
Question for all you diehard fangirls who say the Jonas Brothers arent g*y. ?

by Guest63502  |  earlier

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Be totally honest, if one of them came out of the closet(or all of them, wotever), would you care????

I personally think you would all freak out but act like you didnt care. I mean, you loose the plot at the mention of one of them playing for the other team..




  1. who cares

  2. Well they're not g*y, I can guarentee that. And if one of them did happen to come out I would support them I guess cause I just love their music and I love them for who they really are. But believe me they are girl crazy and they are loving all the attention from girls which isn't a bad thing! And they're amazing singers :)

  3. sooo true! they would seriously loose it, but they would act like 'its ok, i love them no matter what'

    but thats total bull.

    i want them all to come out of the closet, i will respect them more!

  4. i dont think girls would freak out to much... they would still try and get with him just because.....

    see i know this cause im g*y but yet i still get hit on by many girl and guys alike......  i guess its the fact that you cant have someone that makes you want them more

  5. Well it's a big deal coz they aren't. Christians aren't g*y. And also I probably would be a bit dissapointed but I wouldn't really mind. It's their music that I love.

  6. i wouldnt care that much i love them fr who they are and how they r, not for how hot they r or their orientation. it doesnt matter to  me. in fact, i love g*y ppl/ they maake the world go round n round n round n round n round n round n round... n round!!!! they rox. so if they were g*y, id just love them even more.

  7. Why would they bother?

    They worked too hard for all this fame and money and fanbase come crashing down, dontcha think?

  8. I wouldn't care, yes I think they are good looking, but I also enjoy their music, so I would probably be in shock at first, but it wouldn't matter if I still liked their music, sexual orientation really isn't that big of a deal.

    Well, I think fans, including myself, get angry because there really is no need to use slurs like that, I mean is it really necessary? But then again are our overreactions necessary?

    The fact is it's being used in a negative way, therefore a slur, just like when people call them f**s, are you going to say thats not a slur? I am not homophobic, trust me, I am anything but that.

  9. umm well, for one i know that they wouldnt do that because their hardcore christian and g*y is against a christians beliefs. But if one of them came out, hopefully kevin or nick i would be like eh, but if it was joe then i would be like d**n that sucks... but i wouldnt freak and id probably still hit on him lol.

  10. I wouldn't care. I really just like there music. This question brings back memories though...Lance Bass *cough*

  11. why would i not support them

    i mean

    its really their music tht count rigth????

    well to me it does

    fans should just want them to be happy

    of course i might be freaked out for

    a second but i mean they deserve happiness

    so for me it doesnt matter which way they roll

    i will always support and love them

  12. The Jonas brothers are not g*y, they just dress g*y. They are pimple faced boys with no real talent, riding a wave of 15 minutes, their lives are moving fast and like Hansen before them they'll disappear. And then in 20 years they'll return like New Kids On The Block to try and make more money coz they spent it all on drugs and hookers.

  13. Uh, no. I wouldn't care.

    And you probably don't even believe that.. but it's true.

  14. If any of them said they were g*y then yeah I would be disappointed and I wouldn't feel as much of the appeal they have on me right now but I would still love their music and still love THEM.

    But they aren't g*y and they don't like it when people say they are so neither do us fans, it's disresfectful, very rude to them. That right there is why we make "such a crazy big deal" when people say that.

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