
Question for all you ladies aged 35 plus. PLEASE READ!!!?

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Ok so my DH and I have been trying for about 8 months total (we stopped for a while then started again). We have another gyn appt to discuss our fertility problems. So my questions are 1) Did any of you have problems conceiving? If not, how long did it take you?

2) If you needed to see a fertility specialist when did you start going? I mean how long were you trying when you said enough is enough???




  1. I knew I had PCOS before we started TTC, so we went to a fertility specialist as soon as we started trying.  With the first doctor, I had no response on Clomid and then got pregnant twice on injections (Follistim.)  However, both of those pregnancies ended in miscarriage because the doctor misdiagnosed my insulin resistance.  I changed doctors, started medication for the insulin resistance and got pregnant with Clomid the first month we tried.  I was 37 when my daughter was born.  Now, we're TTC #2 and we did one round on Clomid with no success.  Then we did an IUI and we'll find out if that was successful in one week.

    My advice, in a nutshell, is that not all doctors are created equal.  Seeing an endocrinologist was critical to our success.

  2. Okay, I am now 40 our son is 3 1/2, so to cover everything we never saw a fertility expert and just believed if God wanted us pregnant then we would be pregnant.  There were times I was  a little anxious just being a woman over 30 and having been trying for so long.  We tried (meaning we never stopped or prevented pregnancy) for 8 1/2 years, and finally ended up pregnant.  There were a ton of suggestions out there about how to get pregnant, what vitamins to take, basal temperature, boxers for him, no hot baths or saunas, that type of thing, but in the end if you relax, keep your weight down, and just enjoy life, then that seems to be when someone has a baby:)

    Good luck!

  3. We did have problems conceiving.  We tried for about 1 year, using all of the methods that my OBGYN suggested.  After 1 year we were referred to a fertility specialist.  The fertility specialist ran tests on me and my husband.

    We now have 2 sets of twins :D  !st set due to IFV, 2nd set SUPRISE!!!  They are just a bit over 2 years apart!!

    I would probably start thinking about a fertility specialist, it could be an easy fix or it could be something that takes some time.....just be prepared for the HORRIBLE term "advanced maternal age"  cuz that is what they call you when you are prego over 35!!  I felt like I should get my walker out and put a shawl around my shoulders!!!!

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