
Question for any "overweight" moms-to-be.?

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I'm considered overweight (although me and hubby think it's just fine). I have not gained any weight with this baby (it's our first). I just found out I passed my glucose test (yay). I've heard a lot on overweight women giving birth and how that being overweight leads to problems during delivery.

I began to feel my baby move at around 16-17 weeks. Although her kicks are not "belly moving" we can feel her outside the belly occasionally.

Also, I think she refuses to move out from under my belly button, therefore because I'm a bit bigger anyway, I just look like I ate too many doughnuts. Got that "belly roll" going on. :-)

1) When did you begin to feel the baby move?

2) Did you ever get large enough to see the baby move outside the belly? If so, when

3) Did you gain any weight, if so, how much?

4) Did you ever get the beautiful "round" pregnant belly?

I don't need any lip about how I should loose weight, that I'm not healthy, baby won't be healthy. I've already talked with my doctor about all of this. Me and baby are perfectly fine. She measuring appropriately. At 23wks 4dys she weighed 1lb 4oz, so she's perfect.




  1. i didnt need to lose weight. i was healthy through my whole pregnancy!

    im a curvy person too.

    my son started to move around 4-5 months

    i could see the kicks around 7 months.

    i gained about 45lbs. i weighed 170 before my pregnancy.

    my belly grew big around above my belly button.

    labor was 62 hrs!

    i pushed for 2 hours!

    he was 7lbs. and 19 inches!

    beautiful! goodluck!


  2. Every pregnancy is different regardless of wether your overweight or not. Im a small woman. With my first i looked like a swallowed a beach ball whole. And i didnt show at all until my 7th month. With my 3rd i had the belly roll going on my way into the delivery room. Labor and delivery are the same way. My SIL thinks labor and delivery were torture. Mine were easy.  

  3. I'm starring this.

    I felt the baby move at 17 weeks

    I'm still pregnant, and have not yet seen actual movements from outside the belly, but sometimes if he kicks, I can see my shirt bounce, if that makes sense. I don't know if anyone else would notice the slight movement. But I'm only 27 weeks, so there's plenty of time still to see outside movements.

    I have gained wieght, but I didn't gain any until well into my 2nd trimester. But now it seems to be gaining fast, which means I need to take action! As of a week ago, I had gained 16 lbs.

    My belly is starting to look more and more round. I don't know how beautiful it is because of the stretch marks, but my husband likes it. It's like a magnet for his hands  :)

    I feel that by 30 weeks I will definitely look like a definite pregnant lady and less like a 'is she fat? or is that a baby?' lady


    Also, at 26w5d, he weighed 2 lbs 7 oz... he's measuring a little big.  

  4. Im 199lbs and of course over weight. :) Proudly though!

    I felt my baby kick and move before 16 weeks i believe.

    Ever since I was 4 months i could see her kciking like my belly would move.

    Now being 30weeks&5days (wooo) I can feel her ALOT more...Watch my belly Jump, and move, and do the wave lol.

    So far Ive gained 11lbs. But Im sure at my next visit in Sept. ill have gained more. Ive been on eating binges with junk food...But I dont mind..

    My doctor freaked out one time because I went from 5lbs to 11lbs in one visit...but its stayed the same since. Some women just grow in spurts :)

    Yes Im getting ROUND And love it I didnt start getting a bump until about 5 1/2 months. but now its kinda obvious but to some i just look larger...But I know my baby is there :)

    Congrats on being Big and Beautiful and Preggie :o)

  5. im overweight too! lol and NO SHAME!

    well even if i was o/w i never really had a jelly roll (unless i sat down!)

    i honestly think the labor part is different for all women regardless of your size. even women that excerise and keep and healthy diet have complications (but of course being healthy isnt such a bad idea). just wait for your turn and lets see what happens :)

    1. at about 12-14 weeks...shes and wiggly one!

    2. i start wearing prego clothes at 6 months and just 4 weeks ago i began seeing my baby jiggle in my belly

    3. 22 lbs and i still got 5 weeks and 4 days to go! lol but i am eating as healthy as possible.

    4. i just started showing so yeah im pretty round

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!

  6. ur so cute!!!!!!!!!! lol i was a little over wheight when i got preg and during the first like four mounths i didnt really gain.. i actually lost some weight at first!

    1) I first felt my baby move at about five mounths

    2) If its your first pregnacy you will not get big enough to see baby moving at the surface prob untill around eight mounths. Its funny because i would always feel the baby move but my boyfriend could never see on the surface! :( But when they kick in just the right place... like on you side you can see a little.. and you could push back on the foot or hand and if you teach it early it willl learn to play with you... have you man talk to the belly because they learn the voice and sfter a while will go crazy when they hear him!

    3) i gained about 40 pds and still need to get off 20 after 8 mounths... but i don't care cause being a mom is the best!!!!!!!!

    4) only if you are a freak of nature will you get a perfect soft round belly..... most women start getting itchy... then stretch marks start showing up.. and then it gets very heavy and hard to get comfortable! mood swings for sure!

    Labor is  crazy! if you don't get an epidoral the contractions feel like if something is litteraly pulling your insides out and your in so much pain you can't even cry.... but once you get the epidoral... you feel nothing and the beat part is you don't feel the baby coming out at all!!!!!!!!!!! It took me 5 mins to push my first out but i could tale alot longer so good luck!!! congrats! any other questions email me at

  7. I weighed 225 lbs with both of mine when I got pregnant give or take a couple of lbs.  I never got the gestational diabetes or any other problems, except I did get pregnancy anemia with my second (I'm 37 weeks now).  I never had any problems in delivery except she decided she wanted to come out sideways and they had to use forceps to get her out.  Completely common in any size of women!  She had a VERY large lopsided conehead for 3 weeks lol.

    I felt my first move at 18 weeks and my second at 15 1/2.  The larger your uterus gets, the more your tummy will stick out (unless you're very overweight) and my fat kind of hung off the bottom so I looked thinner in pregnancy :D  I do get to see my tummy moving now that I'm as huge as a boat!  With my daughter I got to see from about 25 weeks on and with my son, about 23 weeks and on.

    For my first pregnancy I lost 20 lbs down to 205 lbs and then gained it all back in the second trimester up to 257 lbs when she finally came.  With my son, I'm at my largest now with 251 lbs.  I guess my daughter had a lot of water LOL.  

    I only get the round pregnant looking belly at about 35 weeks and on.  

    And there are overweight women that ARE healthy even if they are overweight.  My doctor was never concerned with any of my weight loss or gain during my pregnancy because she and he always were at the right sizes and there have been no complications.  This pregnancy is going by way better than my first and I'm looking forward to having a home water birth.

    With my first baby, I was in prelabor from 6:15 am on a Tuesday until the next morning.  My contractions started to hurt around 9:30 Tues night.  I went to the hospital and they sent me home.  My water broke at 3:30 am and we went to the hospital.  I wasn't effaced or dialated!  At 5:30 it was the same so they gave me a shot of demerol and by 7:30 I was 5 cm dialated.  I wanted an epidural so I got one of those too.  5:30 was when my 'active' labor started and by 11:30 that morning I was pushing.  I pushed until 1:30 when they called the doctor because she wasn't turning or showing up.  The doctor came in with the forceps at 1:58 and away we went and at 2:04 she was born.  I tore and only needed TWO stiches.  My baby cried for about 30 seconds until they stuck her on me and she was just really quiet staring up at us (husband and me).   She was perfect with no bruising or marks at all.  She was 7 lbs, 13 ozs, 19 inches long and had lots of wavy hair.  All the nurses and my doctor said that I had an active labor of 7 1/2 hours which was considered REALLY good for a first time mom and that if she had of been straight instead of crooked that I'd have given birth by lunch and active labour would have been about 5 hours.

    My midwives are worried that this one will go faster (seconds and thereafter usually do) and that I may only be in labor for about 4 hours or less.  I am PRAYING that I am lol.  

    Congrats on your baby and being overweight just means you'll have to be monitored for gestational diabetes throughout.  I was too.  Other than that, nothing serious happened because I was overweight and nothing likely will to you either!  

  8. I am considered overweight too. I like to think of it as full figured. I began to feel the baby move both pregnancies at about 14 -15 weeks. You could definitely tell I was pregnant around 5 months or so. It started to feel hard instead of mushy then. I gained 25 with my first and 30 with my second. I definitely got that round pregnant belly along with a round face and gained everywhere. It came off pretty quickly though.

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