
Question for anyone about interior design and town planning...?

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Everyone has a certain taste, or style. Usually reflected in their own lounge.front room / house interior style, etc.

If you had the opportunity to completely redevelop and redesign a large town or a small city, what would the end result look like?

You may not move roads. (or at least not 5% of the total roaddistance may alter). You may not interefere with the locations of any existing buildings.




  1. a bit hard to answer that here! i'd be able to draw it ;)

  2. I HAVE had the chance to do some town planning when I worked on an urban planning project in Yemen. What I learned was that, for the most part, it is the topography that dictates the growth of the town, for better or for worse. One city we worked on was perfectly designed for retaining as much air pollution as possible; another was growing in just the right direction.

    We tried to retain the architectural style that had evolved over the millenia. In this instance, it was very thick walls, 2' for outside walls and 1' for interior walls, small windows, and lots of whitewash. This was close to perfect for a sunny desert climate. We did recommend modern plumbing, though, with water-conservation modifications.

    In a different climate, the architectural style would be entirely different. Compare the low-ceilinged rooms of New England houses with the high-ceilinged rooms of the South.

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