
Question for anyone who's gotten a speeding ticket before?

by  |  earlier

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Going 52 in a 35 zone, got a $156 ticket.

A.) is this a fair price to expect?

B.) how will this affect insurance. I know it will drive costs up, but does anyone know by how much? This is my first infraction.




  1. Ticket sounds fair maybe to lacks...    Alot of courts will let you go to defensive driving school to keep the ticket off your driving record and that will insure that your insurance will not go up. but it does depend on the judge and the area that you live in.  You will have to go to court if you want to go to driving school.. driving school may cost ya 20 to 50 bucks but it'd be worth it to keep it off ya driving record. I'd probably call the court clerk and ask..

  2. That is more than fair.. I would've expected a lot more for an infringement that great. Don't think it should affect insurance too much, if at all.

  3. I've had 3 speeding tickets and the price sounds about right to me. As far as the insurance thing goes, I've heard tickets make it go up, but unless I just haven't noticed, mine hasn't gone up at all.

  4. It depends on what state you live in.

    Where I live, they're having such a problem with speeders that a speeding ticket now costs thousands of dollars.

    So, I'd say that yes it's a fair price to expect.

    And sorry I don't have an answer for B because it depends on your insurance company and personal history.

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