
Question for anyone who had part of toenail removed?

by  |  earlier

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It is ingrown on both sides but I may also have a toenail fungus. If the doctor only removes both of the ingrown sides, will that portion of the toenail grow back eventually? I really don't want the nail bed destroyed.

I just don't want to walk around with only a middle section of a toenail. That might look a little weird in sandals. lol




  1. I had it done on one side and it looks fine.  The doc took off the offending piece using Novocaine and some scissors.  Then put some chemical on it to kill off the growth part of the offending section.  It never grew back - no more pain or ingrown portions.  The area hurt for a few days, but it was well worth it.  The pain was similar to that of the ingrown nail, so nothing new....

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