
Question for anyone who has been travelling in South America...?

by Guest32504  |  earlier

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Do you need to take malaria pills for Venezuela?

I went to Peru and Equador and had no problems at all, but my friend is going and is unsure.




  1. It's cheap insurance to take them. May not be necessary; but for $15 or $20 you will be protected and not wonder when you get bitten. You can call your phamacist and explain exactly where you are going and He'll or She'll be able to give you good advice. Good luck and have a blast. I love going to SA.

  2. Well I would say it is a possibility yes. I traveled to Guatemala and yes I know that isn't Venezuela but I did have to get Milaria pills. It was def. recommended atleast it was on the list of things to get as well as a typhoid fever shot. I got the pills and took them and had no problems. Some people complain of having really crazy/scary nightmares when on the pills so I suggest taking them early in the day rather than before bedtime.

    I was going to Guatemala to build houses in a very rural/remote part of Guatemala that is why it was required to do these things if you wanted to be safe. But it all depends where the person is traveling. If it is a high tourist area i would say they don't need them. If they are traveling to a rural area like I did I would say yes they need the milaria pills. Some of the people I went with didn't take them at all and they were fine but better to be safe than sorry and obviously do NOT drink the water.

    buena suerte

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