When some people who were adopted choose not to meet their bio 'parents', a lot of people seem to frown on this, and l just wondered why? With all due respect to bio parents, they made a choice (no judgements on that), the adoptive parents made a choice to have the child, and the 'adoptee' makes their own choice when they come of age, why do bio 'parents' often appear to think they have some sort of right to know the child that is (respectfully) no longer theirs? This is just something l've often wondered about, l mean no offense to anyone, just looking for other's thoughts here. For the record, l am an adoptee who's bio parents sought her out, l did meet them and they're nice people, so l'm not bitter, lol, but l don't have any relationship with them, l just have the one set of parents. Anyways, thanks to all who will answer!