
Question for anyone who has taken a college class?

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I enrolled in a class and just now realized that it does not start until mid October. It still has the same amount credit hours as those classes that start tomorrow.

So essentially I will be learning a semester's worth of material in half of the time.

So I am wondering, do you guys think it is going to be much harder this way?

I am worried now that I found that out that it is going to be quite hard.




  1. When I took summer courses in college, most of them were 5 weeks long. It was tougher, yes, but not terribly so. Also, it was nice to know that at the end of each week, I was 20% closer to being done.  

  2. All of my MBA classes were like that.  I actually found it a great way to learn.  In a semester long class, there is a tendency to coast, which can hurt you.  In a class like this, you have to pay attention & have to keep up with the work.  It made me study more efficiently -- and that helps with everything.

  3. I haven't taken any college classes yet cause I'm not in college but my brother is and he say's study up on that class. So that if it is intense, everything won't seem so hard when the class start because you'll already have knowledge about the course.  

  4. It could be pretty intense, but without the specifics as to what type of course it's going to be, it's hard to give a real answer.  I once has a 6 week summer upper level math course that was extremely hard because we had math 2 hours a day for 4 days a week with tons of homework for 6 weeks.  Then again, I had an education class for 6 weeks that was project-based and not nearly as difficult.  It depends on the subject really.

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