
Question for atheist parents?

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Have any of you ever had a child grow up and become a Christian or member of another theist religion? How did you feel about it? Did your relationship with your child change?

By they way, I'm not trying to make any point with this question. I'm just curious. You hear about the opposite all the time but actively atheist parents are relatively rare.




  1. my kids aren't old enough to have made any decisions regarding their beliefs. when they are and they do make a decision, i will accept it. I can't imagine it changing my relationship. my entire family is religious to some extent and it didn't change how i feel about them. I wouldn't let something as petty as their beliefs drive a wedge between us.

  2. Children are children but for a short while in their/our life! Then, they are adults and soon, parents, in their turn! That's life for you! Parents are adults already, and they ought to be mature in their views and attitude!

  3. I'd respect any path he would choose as long as he is not hurting anyone.

    I am raising him to think freely, it will be his choice in the end. I am very against pre-determined spiritual or non-spiritual paths.

    "actively atheist parents are relatively rare." No, they are actually quite plentiful in my experiences with people.

  4. My son took on some new age mix that had some Christian aspects but mostly focused on Karma. He later abandoned that, but still sort of believes in Karma.

    I'm okay with it, it's his life not mine anyway.

  5. Throughout my daughter's life I have encouraged her to try various religions and philosophies.  I would not have been upset or offended if she chose to adhere to one of them, but she hasn't ~ so far.  That may change.

    She tried christianity a few times, certainly more than the others and likely due to influence by her friends.  However she is now grown and identifies herself as simply "Agnostic with Buddhist leanings".  Her words.

  6. So far my kids are all still atheists. Only one close to being grown though, and he has yet to move out on his own into the world. He's not the gullible sort so I doubt he will be converting to religion anytime soon. If he did, well, it's his life. I give my kids the tools and it's up to them to decide how or if to use the common sense they were born with and the education they're received.

  7. Well my son is still to young to really understand any religion. When he gets old enough I will ask him to research all religions and theories and choose the one he believes. I will respect his decision no matter what it may be. As long as he's happy I'm happy.

  8. I doubt that ever happens.  The believe in god comes from indoctrination from parents.

  9. Yes. No.  

  10. well, im not a parent, but my whole family are atheists - im sure my parents will drop dead if they ever heard that i wanted to become a christian or anything of that nature...then they will rise from their grave and check me into a mental hospital

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