
Question for atheist ?

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Have you ever had a personal relationship with God? Have you denied him wholeheartedly? Have you ever asked God to come into your life? Give detailed explanations, I want to know whats truly in your heart.




  1. Missy, I was a born again Christian several years ago. I did sincerely ask God to come into my life. Gods do not enter people's lives, though. That is a fantasy. Atheists do not "deny" your god any more than you "deny" Santa Claus. They understand that he does not exist, along with all the other gods and monsters of fantasy and myth. Some people never believe in gods. Other people come to realize it due to maturity and education. My heart has not changed. I'm just past all the superstitious nonsense.

  2. I used to believe in god when I was a kid but I think that government just made up this "religion" to lower crime rates thats why the religion Buddhism was created to lower crime during a time of war and it worked. but thats just my opinion ^^ but yea im pretty sure there was a jesus and other bible character but they werent as great as they seem they are their just exaggerated.

  3. Yeah... I use to be a Christian but once i recognized I'm wasting my money, and time, praising for **** that never happens.

    And once something special happens in the community in the church it's just something that just happens but the whole community takes it as if God has revived thousands and more... Not!

    Waste of time, God this and God that, no **** that, Me this and Me that :)

  4. I have invited the great invisible god into my life on at least a hundred occasions.  I've never gotten more than the stoney silence of the universe.  

  5. Atheists are not 'Christians in denial.' Honestly that sounds really arrogant of you.

    They just don't believe in God. That's it. They don't.

  6. I was raised Catholic and rejected religion in high school.

    I learned religion is a form of superstition with no hard evidence to back up it's outrageous claims. I recognize it is fear-based thinking and people accept Christianity to fill gaps in their lives and jump to conclusions.

    I deny the Holy Spirit without hesitation.

    Objectivity, The Scientific Method, rational thinking and love fills my heart.

    I have 'asked' for the greatest good to come into my life.

    I want a personal relationship with the greatest good, not a fairy tale.

  7. I had a personal relationship with god, but he kept leaving the toilet seat up.

    What part of "I lack belief in gods" is hard to understand?

  8. i was a catholic i didnt see god or hear of him and for those theist that said you didnt believe enough i was indoctrinated so i would say i did believe enough and i saw through all that bs and became an atheist  

  9. As I've said here before, I had a born-again experience, a personal relationship with God and felt the Holy Spirit in me.  I even had pastors telling me they rarely encountered someone with as much connection to the Holy Spirit as I had.  Then I did some studying and found out how much of that was my church encouraging me to manufacture psychological experiences and frame them as religious.  I studied other religions and experienced things that would have convinced me that those religions were true if I had not already seen behind the veil of how the psychology worked.

    I think it's absolutely shameful the way churches manipulate teenagers into thinking that their normal adolescent angst is a "God-shaped hole" in their souls, and how they provide exactly the kind of group acceptance that teens are looking for, not out of actually caring about those teens as individuals (witness what happens when one of them comes out or wants to leave the religion), but for the purpose of creating peer pressure to conform.

  10. I have asked, cried, begged, kicked and screamed for one. But I received nothing. God cannot tell me I didnt try, nor can you condemn me.

  11. i have finally accepted that when i close my eyes and ask or be gratefull for, i know that im really just saying it too myself.

    i am not a girl of science,,,, and im not prooving his non existence by science but by logic. the bible makes no sense... is he loved his ppl so fcking much why does he let them go through pain, ppl tell me this is because he is testing there faith and that there is a reason.

    but i believe that there is no reason for suffering and that God wouldnt play with his ppl that way if he existed.

    i talked to god for a long time, not the christian god but my own god... and ou know what? he wasnt there  

  12. If you wanted to know what was in my heart you could have just asked.  I have blood pumping through my heart.  It does its job very well.

  13. I was Catholic, for a long, long time.  I even asked Jesus into my heart with the little born again prayer, just to be safe.  What do I feel now? A lot happier and a lot less guilt.  

  14. I was raised a Buddhist atheist and remain one to this day.  I am familiar with Christianity and the bible, and think that Jesus was a wonderful and brave teacher.  I just don't believe he was divine.

    I would never consider becoming a Christian because of it's lack of respect for women, it's opposition to scientific knowledge, and it's lack of intellectual exploration.

    Thanks for asking.

  15. Of course not.  You cannot have any kind of a relationship with a fiction.  Anyone who supposes that he does have a relationship with some sort of god is simply deluding himself -- and that is not productive.

  16. What? How can you have a personal relationship with something that doesn't exist? Have you ever tried to understand that things might happen just because they happen?  

  17. ...what part of 'do not believe in any god' is giving you the trouble here?

    That is like asking if you have denied Dracula in your heart.

  18. What truly is in my heart is a muscular organ that is responsible for pumping blood through my blood vessels and keeping me alive, sorry you asked.

  19. No, I have never had a personal relationship with God. You seem to share the fundamental misunderstanding that many theists have about atheists. We are not angry at God, we do not refuse to meet God. We simply don't believe there is a God at all.

    Indeed, if you look at the history of Christianity the idea of having a personal relationship with God did not even exist until the Reformation. I know you did not specifically say you were a Christian, I assumed it from the language you used.

    To understand how an atheist perceives this question let me turn it around to illustrate. I am not trying to mock or insult you, but you do claim to want to know what is in our hearts. This is how I can convey that:

    'Have you ever had a personal relationship with the Flying Spaghetti Monster? Have you ever asked to be touched by his noodly appendage?'

    You don't, I assume, believe in the FSM ( for more info see my sources) as a result these questions seem largely nonsensical. This is the way we perceive religion.


  20. I don't believe that any god/s (including yours) exist.  It would, therefore, be impossible to have "a personal relationship" with one.

    I think that you are misunderstanding atheism.  It isn't believing in a god and being angry with it, thereby "denying" it.  It is the lack of belief that god/s exist at all.

  21. missy, no i have not

    i dont believe in god

    i used to if thats what you mean

    but now i dont

    i do not deny him, i don not believe in him

    i deny him the same as you deny odin or zeus

    if ,you think my not believing  in god means i deny him, then you too deny all other gods and godesses

    no i have not

    my heart is no differnt to yours, nor is the contents we are all made of the same things

    i just believe soemthing differnt to you on this subject, as im sure you do with me on many more subjects

  22. I was a devout Christian for several years. I had a "personal relationship" with God. I usually attended church twice a week, I went away with the church on weekends where we would have several services in the matter of 3 days. I prayed pretty much every day, I spoke in tongues, I even fell over before.

    None of that could still keep me from eventually accepting the fact it was illogical. I couldn't agree with all the things in my religion, so I started to study others. I was going to convert to Paganism, but I still couldn't QUITE convince myself there was any kind of God out there. Eventually I accepted I was an atheist.  

  23. As a young Christian I talked and talked to god, but eventually realized I was talking to nothing.  Hard to have a relationship with nothing.

  24. I used to believe in God and I chose to disbelieve because it simply makes no sense to believe in God. Nothing the bible has could ever compare to what secular humanism can and has brought

  25. >Have you ever had a personal relationship with God?

    No. How could I? Have you ever had a personal relationship with Gandalf? No, of course not. You can't have a personal relationship with someone who doesn't exist, and neither can I.

    >Have you denied him wholeheartedly?

    I'm not sure what you mean by 'denied him'. I simply don't believe he exists.

    >Have you ever asked God to come into your life?

    No. Again, he doesn't exist, it would be just as pointless as asking Gandalf or Harry Potter to come into my life.

  26. Yes i asked god to come back to my life when i lost my faith, i prayed so hard, but there was nothing, It took me a couple of years to realize that i was better off without believing in a myth...and there is a plural to atheist...

  27. I am 41 years old, and have been an atheist for about a year.

    It wasn't a decision.  Faith is something one either has or doesn't.  I used to have faith in God, but I don't anymore.

    I tried to have a relationship with God, but I found it rather one-sided.  It was like being married to a wife that was never home and never spoke to you.  

    I never demanded God to reveal himself to me.  I did ask, but when it never happened, I just believed on faith.  I've never had a religious experience.  I've never seen a miracle.  I've never had a "vision."

    I never required such things as a condition of faith, but at the same time, it led to my faith eroding until finally one day I woke up, and realized that my faith was gone.

    I don't believe in any God anymore, and if anyone has done any denying, it would be him.

    El Chistoso

  28. No, I've never had a personal relationship with God.  From all of the evidence I've been able to gather, the dude doesn't exist.  Hard to have a personal relationship with a dude that doesn't exist.  

    It's not so much that I've denied Him wholeheartedly, just found no evidence that He exists.  I place Him in the same category as Superman, Athena and unicorns - it would be nice if they existed, and the stories are sometimes fun to read, but basing your life on a relationship with them is delusional.

  29. No. Mainly because there is ABSOLUTELY NO credible, tangible, verifiable, reliable evidence of the existence of any 'god' or even a 'divine jesus'. It's all just silly bronze-age mythology.

  30. I was agnostic for pretty much all of my life, and then, in 9th grade, I decided that I was firmly atheist. Then I read The God Delusion, and that pretty much cemented it. Shortly after, I converted to Pastafarinaism, and I now "believe" in the Flying Spaghetti Monster. That is the story of my religious life.

  31. how could anyone have a personal relationship or deny someone that never shows himself?  what a joke.

    i have asked and got no response.  i doubt god exists.  and if he does.....F god!
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