
Question for aussie( australian sheherd) owners i need some help ?

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im considering getting a female aussie maybe before christmas or after new year

but i still have some questions are they really that active and hyper???

and do they need to be groomed/brushed a lot????

i already have 2 very energetic and active dogs an irish setter( 1 year old female) and clumber spaniel( 3 year old male)

im still not sure if the amount of exercise that i can provide for it will be enough since its a herding dog

im taking my dogs out 3 times a day for 2 hour walks




  1. If you mean six hours walking a day that's a lot of exercise. When you get your puppy it will be a long time before she can cope with that much exercise. You will also have a problem leaving her when she is a baby, consequently you may have to cut down on the time that you are out with your adult dogs. Mental exercise is more tiring than physical exercise and dogs love training. Hopefully you have a garden/yard and you could start doing some additional training with your adults. This will compensate if you have to cut down on their walks for a while. You MUST also train your Australian Shepherd from the outset and keep her busy and occupied, they are very intelligent dogs and respond well to training. I have some stuff on clicker training and exercises which you can do in the house of garden/yard email me if you will like some of this info.

  2. yes aussie is a high-energy dog.  for more info about aussie, check out this link:

    for the amount of exercise for your dogs, 30 minute exercise session is enough both morning and evening.  it also depends on the age of the dogs. for more info about the exercise needs, you can check out the link below:

  3. Hi!  I am a long time Aussie owner and I do Aussie rescue.   In general Aussies from show breeding are more laid back and more generally friendly to strangers.  Aussies from working lines are more intense and less quick to form indiscriminate friendships.  They have to get to know you.  Everything you heard about their exercise needs is true!  They are perpetual energy.   Six hours of walks per day should be plenty for any dog, even an Aussie or BC!! Swimming is also excellent, as it wears them out, keeps them cool, and does not put impact on their joints.

    Aussies kept indoors tend to shed year round in modest amounts.  Aussies that are indoor/outdoor tend to blow their undercoats out twice per year.  It will look like you have a blizzard in your house for about 2 weeks twice per year.  But once they've blown in out, shedding is minimal.  For the right home, especially a performance/competition home, an Aussie is terrific.  For a casual pet home the most laid back show bred individual possible.   Unless you want to show in conformation, I'd suggest going to one of the main rescue organizations.  The dogs have all lived in foster homes,  and the foster families can give you an accurate heads up on activity level, whether they like cats, kids, etc.  They'll already be housebroken and know basic manners and be fully vetted.  Best of luck with your future family member!

  4. Hi there, you have picked a beautiful and very faithful dog.  Is it an purebred?  No, they are not that hypo, they do require a bit of brushing but not excessively, they are just like any other dog really, although it is best to start them on boiled rice, and boiled chicken, mix together and give it with dry biscuits, to start with for the first 6 months.

    Good Luck, you will have plenty of love from this dog, and they mix well with children and other animals.

    Minny :-)

  5. Temperament:   Australian Shepherds are intelligent, delightful, and loyal. They are highly energetic and thrive on being given something to do. The Aussie has a high degree of intensity and a "no-quit" attitude. Their herding instinct may be problematic or annoying to their family, as this breed will often attempt to perform this task on everyone or anything that moves. They are reserved and cautious with strangers until the Aussie decides about them. They are confident and protective. Human companionship is crucial to this breed. They get along well with active, considerate older children. The Aussie is not typically aggressive to other dogs.REQUIR 4KM DAILY WALKS=Aka minimum of 2km walks twice a day!

    1. NEVER BUY A PUPPY just LOOKS, colour along, fur type-COLOUR, fur type and looks HAS NO INDICATION OF DOGS TEMPERMENT!

    2. Consider your lifestyle-

    4. Are you out more then 8hours a day

    5. Consider your energy requirements, Size, Grooming.

    6. Don't just buy because someone says this is the dog for you, people particular on yahoo answer will give you there particular favourite breed& what suits them, not what actually suit you.

    7. Read all you can-THERE are alot of false information on the web and in books about different dog breed.

    8 DON'T TRUST THOSE DOG BREED SELECTORS-MOST OF THE RESULTS ARE INCORRECT. Ex i search large breed dogs, and the Pomeranian came up, which of cause is a toy dog breed!!


    Do you already have a dog  that needs a companion? An adult dog that is good with other animals is a better choice than an energetic, overly exuberant puppy

  6. The amount of brushing and exercise should be comparable to your irish setter.  Aussies are great companions and very smart.  Though I like the breeds you have, I believe you will find an Aussie smarter so you will need to up your training.  The walks that you are currently providing will be enough, but you will need to challenge your Aussie mentally as well.

  7. While I am sure you will get some helpful advice here about the Aussie, I would definitely connect up with a reputable breeder to get your pup from.  A really good breeder is going to give you all of this information and more for you to use to make an educated decision.

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