
Question for bisexuals?

by Guest56438  |  earlier

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Is there a s*x that you feel more emotionally or physically attracted to than the other?

Ive heard many bisexuals comment on this and i wonder what the YA! community thinks.




  1. i feel more attracted to men than women.  its probably because i have turned from a g*y to a bisexual 2 years ago

  2. Yes, physically: guys.

  3. Well I'm not attracted to guys [just my boyfriend though] Not like he's feminine or whatever but I just don't even notice guys anymore. I feel completely emotionally and physically attached to him, but if the right girl came along I'm sure I'd have that same strong bond with her.  

  4. Well before I came out I was always more attracted to guys. Once I accepted myself for who I was and came out as bisexual my feelings for guys got stronger until I lost interest in woman and am now g*y.

  5. Honestly, I'm Bisexual and i'm more attracted to girls then guys, i have no idea why, its just the way i am/ feel, girls are just more appealing, and guys are hairy..and to me just a tiny bit gross..but im still attracted to them like any other female.

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