
Question for born Americans

by Guest63999  |  earlier

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Which county do YOU like the most? , which do YOU hate the most? , and which country do YOU think likes and which one hates the USA the most?




  1. like all european, asian and SA countries, dislike iran, iraq,etc.

  2. Lame question.

  3. I love the United States of America. I don't like Mexico cause they encourage their people to violate our borders and they do.

    I think pretty much any country outside the middle east and Africa likes the USA equally. Any strongly communist/socialist country, Islamo-fascist or any country dominated by liberals hates us completely.

  4. canada they seem to tolerates us poor americans the country that did like us most is probably iran syria north korea and Palestine  

  5. I like the United States the most. I dislike Iran the most for their chants and hatred of human rights. Liberia likes the US the most. Iran hates US the most.  

  6. I have been to numerous countries and have found good things and bad things about all of them.  I would have to say I like the U.S. best of all.  The culture varies greatly from region to region.  The scenery can't be beat!  The freedoms are countless.  And we have the whole gambit of climates.  Granted, the architecture is far more fascinating in Europe, but that is why they invented vacations, right?  Maybe I seem proud.  But, if your were raised in Alaska too, you would understand.

    My least favorite country is easy!  Iraq...  Been there, survived, and went back again, and again...

    The climate is not for me.  Hot, dusty, and an overwhelming stench.  I have meet Iraqis.  There are two types of Iraqis, those that try to help, and those whom expect to be helped.  Even the government and police force WE are building, is corrupt.  The "NEW" Iraqi military is lazy.  They have found every loop hole to avoid being self sufficient.  Why should they have to put out any effort when we are there to do it for them?  The individuals that are actually trying to improve their own country are stopped.  They are killed by insurgents.  Their families indescribably tortured, or worse... I have seen the fear, the hate, the dispair.

    The country has been filled with companies from other middle eastern countries.  The work is being done, but the money is leaving for India, Pakistan, Turkey, Sri Lanka, Phillipines, etc.  Iraq has become a vacuum for corruption, theivery, lies, and excuses.

    As far as who likes and dislikes USA?  Good luck keeping track.  I know many countries disagree with our foreign policies.  Many feel that we are arrogant.  Others support and join us in our efforts, some complete stay neutral.  I cannot change the opinions of others, nore would I want to.  That is the beauty of America... You have the right to an opinion!

  7. I like Philippines the most. I don't really hate a country. I think France likes the US the most because we get a lot of French tourists. Right now I think Iraq hates the US the most.

  8. I like America and dislike some of the people.

    I don’t hate any other country.

    I hate what African’s are going through in their country and wish we could help them more.

    I think all other countries hate America because we are full of the most nosiest people on the face of the planet. Americans are no-it-all’s and try to force other countries to be like us. We really should mind our own business sometimes!


  9. Mine America, hate the most Kuwait. I think Britain like the U.S. the most and I think Venezuela hates us the most

  10. I love the USA, the deep woods and lakes in northern Minnesota to be exact ... I was born here and I will always love it

    I don't know that I 'hate' anyone ... but if I have to pick one, right now I'll have to say the Sudan, whats happening in Darfur is unthinkable

    I think China likes us the most, much like Visa likes its customers that run up amazing amounts of debt

    and I don't think its a stretch to think there are many in the middle east that are unhappy with America

  11. I like America the best.  

    Australia and the Aussies are my favorite people.  

    Canadians are OK too.

    I dislike france just a little less than terrorist nations.

    The people that hate America the most are the "frogs" followed by terrorist nations....  personally I don't care who hates America, when you're on top, third world countries like france will hate you, next time the beggar nation of france needs help maybe they can ask a communist country for help.

  12. Being a 'Born American' I, of course, like America the US of A the most! As to forign countries I like Japan the most because I lived there for six years, loved it and would go back in a second! The country I disliked the most would be Saudi Arabia. While I personally was not treated too bad, I was kept a virtual prisoner (for my own protection), the TCNs or Third Country Nationals were treated like indentured servants (slaves) with contempt and disregard. The countries that dislike the USA the most are the ones that suffered the most and got the least from our 'victory' in the Cold War, the so called Third World which was a creation of the Cold War and is now obsolete as a term. While most people understood it as a measure of relative wealth actually it was as much if not more a political measurement. The First World were the Industrialized Capitalist Western Nations, the Second World was the Industrialized Communist Nations and the Third World were all the rest mostly in Africa and South Asia. These countries paid the price for 'our' victory with their blood.

  13. You see to "HATE" something or someone you have to care about it. Most people don't think this way and over use the word Hate. But "Hate" is an emotion. And to have an Emotion is to Care. Even if it is a very small amount, it is still there.

    People really misuse the term "hate" .    

    The Countries I really have "no care or emotion for whatsoever" are Iran, Syria, and North Korea. These countries have no meaning to me whatsoever, they could be blasted with Nukes and turned into Giant Parking Lots or Ashtrays, and I would not have any reaction to it.

    My favorite Country, is Italia. I lived in Gaeta, Italia for 2 and 1/2 years. I cannot imagine any other place in the world I would want to live the rest of my life in more. I will one day move back there. Everything about Italia is beyond anything the United States has or any other country I have lived in or visited. The culture, the easy laid back lifestyle (and things still get done on time), the food *of course*. It's location in Europe , h**l everything.

    Ti Amo Italia!!!

  14. I like the country of Japan because they are so efficient

    I don't really like countrys that have DEATH TO AMERICA rallies so thats pretty much the whole Middle east, I think the country that likes us the best is probably Canada and the one hates the USA so much is North Korea, I saw a show on CNN and North Koreans are taught to fear the USA, that the USA will invade any day. the Average North Korean thinks the USA is monsters

  15. Which country(s) i like the most : Canada, UK, Japan, Australia

    Countries I hate: None

    Its really hard to answer your question because, how can you hate a country? Hating a country is hating everyone that inhabits it, but i do hate some GOVERNMENTS of some countries, but i dont hate the country itself, same with the other questions you asked.

    I hate the mullahs in power over in Iran, and the oppressive regime in North Korea.

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