
Question for breastfeeding moms who pump and store their milk...?

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What is the proper way to store your breast milk in the freezer? I've heard several people say that their milk was ruined because they didn't store the milk properly. I'm just wondering what can go wrong? What are the do's and don'ts to storing breast milk?




  1. I think when women think the milk is ruined it really isn't. Sometimes it looks a little funny after refrigeration and freezing because it separates (like oil and water). I used breast milk storage bags for long term freezing. I think certain freezers have different effects. Usually when you read about storage in a freezer, they refer to "frost free" freezers. The longer you freeze anything, the quality begins to deminish.

  2. I used freezer bags made for breast milk.  I found them at Target.  You could find them probably at your local walmart or similar store.  

    When you store the milk what type of freezer you use will determine how long you can freeze them.  If you use the normal freezer in your refrigerator, store them in the very back of the freezer and they only will keep for 3 months.  In a deep freezer that is separate from a refrigerator, they will keep for 12 months.  Make sure you date the storage containers and use the older stuff first.

    Also, thaw the frozen milk in a bowl of warm water or under running warm water and use within 24 hours of thawing.  

    I'm sorry, I do not remember the brand that I used for where I got this information.  It started with an L and the name Lacindosh is sticking in my head.  I hope that helps you out.

  3. I never had a problem! I used the baggies...which are freakin expensive...especially made for breast milk!  I put it in the deepest part of the freezer and they were fine!

    Make sure you let it thaw out naturally or put it in a cup of hot CANNOT put it in the microwave!

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