
Question for calzaghe nuthuggers?

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i see some of you calling him p4p 1 and putting him ahead of mayweather. seeing as joe is so great how would he do against.

roy jones 93-03

hopkins 2001

and a prime toney




  1. calzaghe is a little b****.he ran from everyone jones jr,tarver,toney,a young hopkins.thats the only reason why he was champ so long.h**l he almost got ko'd by a 43 year old hopkins.lets see him fight pavlik or roy jones jr.

  2. no one beats r.jones 93-03 calzaghe beats the rest whenever, do you thinks calzaghes in his prime now? hes 36 he cant throw a power punch anymore cos his hands are shot and he still just beat lacy, kessler and hopkins with these handicaps, hes the real deal, the thing is calzaghe has ALWAYS found a way to win and all the rest havnt END OF STORY

  3. hes the 3rd best.

    so shut up and think calzage

  4. It's a tough one - I don't think, like some of the answers already that he'd have been "killed" because, as usual, we are all underestimating his heart and excellent chin.  Calzaghe is a much better fighter than he is getting credit for - he moves well, defends his chin well and punches in flurries very quickly, although he is not a concussive puncher.  Who's to say he couldn't command the ring from the centre against either Jones, Hopkins or Toney?  You can only rate a fighter by his achievements and everything else is speculation.  10 years and 21 defences is a pretty decent record whoever your opponents are - you still have to have the hunger and desire even when you are at the top, look what happened to Tyson...

  5. I'm far from a Calzaghe nuthugger, but I'll answer your question anyways.

    Calzaghe vs Jones:

    Roy Jones Jr. in his prime would have easily outpointed Calzaghe.  Jones was better in almost every aspect.  He strengths were better than Calzaghe's.  Jones was faster and punched harder.  But Jones really has never been a killer instinct guy against high opposition.  So it would've been a unanimous decision for Roy.

    Calzaghe vs Hopkins 2001:

    Contrary to popular belief, Bernard Hopkins has never been a BEAST in the ring.  I'm not saying he wasn't a great fighter, but never a monster that walked thru his opponents.  Hopkins has always been a cagey fighter who relied more on his pheneomenal strategy and technique as opposed to superior skill set.  Hopkins has always held, grappled, clinched and fouled his way to victories.  Even in his younger days, Calzaghe would've given Hopkins fits w/ his speed and ring savvy.  Calzaghe is no spring chicken either.  In 2001, I give Calzaghe the nod via split decision.  Hopkins only made Trinidad look so bad b/c he was one dimensional.

    Calzaghe vs Prime Toney:

    An in shape, motivated James Toney is perhaps the greatest technical fighter of all-time.  He was a master at subtle moves to make his opponents miss and was an excellent counter-puncher.  He would've destroyed Calzaghe.  Toney's body assault was vicious, and he was great cutting off the ring.  Calzaghe doesn't have the power to hurt James, but James would wear that body out and KO Calzaghe by the 7th round.  However, fat and lazy Toney might have eeked out a slim decision on talent alone.

    Calzaghe vs Prime Tarver:

    I think Tarver is drastically overrated.  So this may be biased.  Tarver doesn't fight well in the middle of the ring, which is where Calzaghe would've surely kept the bout.  Both are southpaws, so the bout would be awkward for each of them.  Tarver has more power, which could be the difference.  This one is too hard to call.  It could go either way.  I'll call a draw here.

  6. I'm not a Calzaghe fan but lets switch it how would mayweather do against DLH in his prime of how bout Cotto or Margorito right now you'll never know cause he's not going to fight them.

  7. he would have been killed

    other fighters who he would have had no chance against in their prime:

    chris eubank

    nigel been

    steve collins

  8. Mayweather doesn't deserve the P4P title because he won't fight the top welterweights. If the sanctioning bodies had a pulse, they would have stripped Floyd of his title long ago.

  9. Roy Jones would have embarrassed calzaghe out of the ring

    Hopkins would have knocked him out

    Toney would have taken calzaghe to school

    Tarver would have knocked him out

    It is a shame that boxing has come to this, a fighter with a padded record who is considered the best light heavyweight without defeating any prime light heavy weight opponent.

  10. Roy Jones.. I see a close split decision win for Jones jr. You have to remember Roy has always done just enough to win. Unless he got the other guy clearly hurt he never went for a knockout. Plus Roy was so much more human above 160 lbs. And in all honesty I can he Calzaghe catching him with his own fast hands and knocking him out! Remember that Roy Jones never met anyone with comparable hand speed (yes Roy would be faster but not by that much!)

    Hopkins... I think Calzaghe beats him again. Hopkins is still surprisingly close to his prime, so I don't see him being much better.

    Toney... Well Toney has always had trouble with guys who had superior hand speed. Although I was always a Tony fan up untill the whole steroids fiasco I actually think Calzaghe would be too much for him... Maybe he wouldn't beat him like Jones did but close enough! Plus Tony was always lazy in his prime so I just don't see it.

    *** you can say whatever you want about Calzaghe but you have to give him credit for wanting to fight the best before he retires, unlike your boy Mayweather who is just looking for paychecks and is clearly avoiding the top guys in his division.

  11. I don't see Joe Calzaghe getting by any of those guys listed, during those time periods. Antonio Tarver would probably be Calzaghe easiest test and I still think he would be too much for Calzaghe.

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