
Question for christians - Who would you be most unlikely to be friends with?

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An atheist who is a pretty good person overall or a

believer who is one of the nicest people you have meet, but is sickened by at least half of the christian teachings and thinks Paul is really a deceiver and false apostle?




  1. Easy - An atheist who is a pretty good person overall.

  2. Probably the atheist...even if the second guy is correct in his assertions, he sounds like a really bitter person...

  3. my best friend is an addict and god hater.

    its a non issue.we have mutual respect for one another.

    thankfully paul,was none of those things.

  4. You are a very warped individual if that is the criteria you use to select your friends by.  

  5. Either one. I'd have to meet both in person.

  6. Hi hi,

    Any one can be friend, as long as he treats me as a friend. Be it a g*y (in which I detest the act), an Atheist, a Muslim (who see my blood, christian blood as a way to heaven), or a liberal Christian (the kind of christian in which you talk about).

    I personally see that as a friend, we need to know the different in opinion, but keep the different at bay, and work for the common good, which is friendship and honour.

    I was once a solider, and all my 2 long term buddy choose by the higher echelon were Muslim. You should see how we observe our pray routine every day together, and we uphold each other in pray.  

    In the field, we encourage each other, and we fight for one another in any problem arises.  We have deep trust for each other for we know, we sincerely want to please our Creator, and do our best to please Him.  We don't cheat, bully, nor disrespect our superior by speaking ill of our commanders.  But deep in my heart, I know we have different.  

    So, anyone who is fit to be friend, shall be my friend.

  7. neither  

    vote for jhon mccain

  8. The closest one to Christ. Even if they may not be a Christian. Choice 2 will HURT your walk, stay away at all costs unless they repent or something to that effect.

  9. why can't both be my friends most of my friends now are a little this and a little that. i would say that if someone who said they were a christian and thought of paul in that way i would seek to understand why and try to show them the truth. the people i find it most hard to be friends with are the lairs that tell lies about my father. the religious leaders but there again i would discern how i should react to them.


  10. I have never seen a believer slag Paul. It is always a homosexual or atheist.

    I have atheist friends, just not the warped ones.

  11. Hmmm I would have to say BOTH!  They both sound like great people.  

    I dont have to have the same beliefs that my friends do.  

    I can maintain my faith no matter who my friends are.  We can all respect one another's beliefs and maintain our own in spite of what seems to be the contrary on Y!A R & S

  12. I wouldn't really describe the second person as a believer. That being said, I'd probably be more likely to be friends with the atheist, assuming he or she didn't judge me for my beliefs or think I was a delusional idiot.

  13. "a believer who is one of the nicest people you have meet, but is sickened by at least half of the christian teachings and thinks Paul is really a deceiver and false apostle?"

    Sorry, but that's not a typical believer, even if you think so.  That person is possibly an unbeliever.

  14. if you are a believer, you wouldn't be sickened by the teachings.

  15. Neither one since the "believer" that you describe sounds like a mere "professor" of the Christian faith and not a true believer.

    That doesn't mean that I would be "unfriendly" towards either one of them. It just means that it isn't too likely that I would become good or close friends with them.

  16. A true Christian, would be friends with everyone- even the athiest, or the mixed up Christian, or the Mormon, or the Muslim... because you are supposed to show Christ's love through yourself, and what would the point be if you were prejudiced to certain people...

    This is more a question, of who would you like better... lol.  

  17. I will surely be his friend till i die, because whom am i to judge them? did i receive any right on them? No. I still love them because they are created in Jesus image. God created man in his own image says the scripture.

    When Jesus is loving every one in this world, whom am i to curse them?

    When Jesus is sending his rain to them also whom am i to hurt them?

    Its his plan because through them a miracle would surely happen and turn them towards him, so that they can be stronger than me in faith.

    Saul was a person who knew scriptures upto 100%, and he persuaded people who believe in Jesus and kill them because, his elders put in his mind that Jesus did blasphamy, he cursed God which is a big sin in the Jewish custom and law given by God himself to Jews. After Jesus reveled himself to him with his glory, he fell with his face down, worshipped and sacrificed himself to him by doing what Jesus asked him to do.

    In the same way Jesus himself will reveal to them then they will become so strong that no can argue with them against Jesus christ.

    God says that in this world, there will be a time when there will be only his believers praising him and no one else alive.

    I wish i get that pleasure to be till that day, But let Jesus wish and will happen in me and in this world.


    Loved One


  18. I would take my chances with the atheist in this case.

    What kind of a believer would be sickened by more than half of Christ teachings, and think Paul a false prophet?  I suppose a thoroughly confused one.  I suppose one who would not even be fit to be called a representative of Christ.  Christ said that his sheep know his voice.  In this case the person is listening to another voice.

  19. Buddy,

    This is a trick question. The answer is an atheist.

    Now you mention this person is 'a pretty good person overall' but, as we all know, we are all sinners. As a Christian it is our duty to try to convert and/or bring the gospel to all of God's children. This would be an opportunity to do this.

    The 'so called believer' who is one of the nicest people you have met but is (doesn't believe in Paul)' is no believer. The bible is the word of God. It says who and what Paul is. If this person doesn't believe it then he's no Christian. He has been exposed to the word of God but has rejected it.

    I guess that means, in the present state neither will be saved, and both are targets for presenting the true gospel to them. I believe the second is more dangerous than the other one.

    I hope this answers your question.


  20. Atheist i dont like nice ppl

  21. I can't really make a choice based on the provided info.

    They both sound like good friends to me, as they're both good/nice.

  22. well...I guess it would depend...first with the say a "pretty good" person...but what exactly does that mean? and do they judge me based on my religion? do they make fun of me for it? or respect it? when they have a question on what I they genuinely listen? or use it as an oppurtunity to try and change my views?

    as for the christian sickened by christian teachings....what exactly are they sickened by? what the bible has to say? or what we have interperted it to say?  and why do they think paul is really a deceiver..and if they truly believe that..than that would mean that Paul should not be in the bible, but the bible according to christian religion is that wouldn't work...which means..they are then rejecting the reliabilty of the bible..which then means..they're religion has nothing which to stand are they really a christian then?

    given those two options...and when really looked at in depth..i would have to say the atheist....but I would keep in touch with the christian to help them through they're difficult time of confusion.

  23. Either.


  24. I dont determine my friends by their beliefs. I have friends that are atheists. My husband's family are atheist (my husband and I are not, we met at church). Well his dad's family is, his mom's family are mormon (we arent mormon either). There are some christians I dont like and it has little to do with their beliefs. Like my former youth pastor. I dont like the guy, never have. He always seemed creepy to me. And just a little while ago, he was aquitted from being charged with molesting a youth girl. I knew her and know she wouldnt lie about something like that. Pastor or not, christian or not, all I see now is a pedophile who got away with a crime. And he got to keep his job as youth pastor. Kind of irks me, he was set free to continue praying on other innocent young girls.

    And those other religious sects your talking about preaching against paul are not christian. let me clarify on who is a christian because there seems to be too many organizations out there claiming christianity when in reality they are not. As result, there is much confusion about christianity. Warning, this is offensive to anyone belonging to a sect of the below description of non-christian.

    Christian-someone who follows by only the bible and believes in the God and Jesus talked about in the bible

    Non-christian-someone who follows by multiple doctrines apart from the bible, claim a belief in the God talked about in the bible and Jesus but have not accepted all of their teachings (thus they dont follow them 100% making them not christian. Why? because what God teaches in the bible is either all true or not. If you believe its not all true, then you dont follow God. God says his word is infalliable. To believe otherwise means you think God is a liar and thinking God is a liar means you dont follow him)

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