
Question for christians and those who dont believe in evolution.?

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Since there was only Adam and Eve (both white) and they were the first humans on earth, how is it that there are so many deifferent colored people.

Now if you say that it depends on how close they live to the equator and they adapted, then you're saying that evolution is real. Adaptation IS natural selection which is evolution.

So how is it then that we changed colors w/o natural selection?




  1. The Bible doesnt cover everything. God made them. We dk how...He can do anything...we would be theres no point to that....

    He couldve made cities of blacks....cannanites were blacks..

  2. Things do change over the years such as skin colors,languages, weather patterns,things after the fact, etc.

    Evolution denis God our creator.Therefore evolution is

    a devil's lie.

  3. I have never said that Adam and Eve were white. Anyone who claims this is a fool. You seem to think that all Christians do not believe in evolution and that we are all willfully ignorant. Please reconsider your prejudicial stance.  

  4. The Bible doesn't claim that Adam and Eve were white. To answer the rest of your question ... If all the people on earth were to intermarry freely, and then break into random groups that kept to themselves, a whole new set of gene combinations would emerge. Even today, within a particular people group you will often see a feature normally associated with another people group. For instance, you will occasionally see a European with a broad flat nose, or a Chinese person with very pale skin or Caucasian eyes. Most scientists now agree that, for modern humans, "race" has little or no biological meaning. This also argues strongly against the idea that the people groups have been evolving separately for long periods.

    Natural selection is not the same as evolution as Darwinists proclaim it. Natural selection, by itself, is powerless to create. It is a process of 'culling', of choosing between several things which must first be in existence. There is no known natural law through which matter can give rise to information, neither is any physical process or material phenomenon known that can do this.

  5. You are falling for the most deceitful argument the evolutionists have to offer. "Equivocation" is the deceitful technique that defines evolution as one thing (e.g. natural selection, which is a fact), but then later goes on to switch this definition of evolution for another (e.g. evolution as defined by Charles Darwin, that all animals and humans on earth share a common ancestor).

    You are correct in saying the reason there are different "races" on earth is because of natural selection and adaptation. What evolutionists do not tell you is that NO new information was created - natural selection is actually a loss of some of the information (whether that is loss of the genes for extra melanin in white people, or loss of genes for reduced melanin in black people). The evolution required by Darwin requires an increase in information to get from a reptile to a bird, a fish to a frog or even an ape to a human. Such an increase in information (without an intelligent source) is impossible.

    For this reason, natural selection is actually the opposite of evolution (as defined by Darwin), and is fully consistent with the biblical account of creation.

  6. They weren't white. They were like Jewish. Yes, Christians do believe in evolution, it's just that there are different kinds or evolution.

  7. Adam and Eve were created; but the colors of their descendants evolved.

  8. To start with, Adam and Eve were not white. Given the presumed approximate location of the Garden of Eden (A once-lush fertile valley in Ethiopia, that has since been taken over by desert), their skin color would have been somewhere between the natural color of the early Egyptians and the darker people now present in Africa. That said, all people do not derive from Adam and Eve. This is a common misconception. But read your bible. In Genesis, Chapter 4, after Cain killed Abel, he said:

    13 Cain said to the LORD, "My punishment is more than I can bear. 14 Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me."

    Get that... "Whoever finds me will kill me"...

    This passage indicates that, while Adam and Eve were the first created, they were not the only created people. Later in the same chapter, it says:

    16 So Cain went out from the LORD's presence and lived in the land of Nod, east of Eden.

    17 Cain lay with his wife,

    First, there was land divided already and apportioned to someone named Nod, and apparently Cain took a wife from someone there in the land of Nod.

    This is one possible explaination: the fact that Adam and Eve were not the only creation.  

    The other thing to consider is that Adaptation is a proven scientific fact, that does NOT disprove creationism. Creationists, and people that support intelligent design do not deny this, by any means. In fact. we believe that God was the ultimate scientist. Everything in the universe has an order and a balance, and everything was created to be self-perpetuating. Take your autonomic systems in your body. They function without your conscious thought. The rest of the Universe works similarly. Things renew, adapt and continue. Think of it this way, if YOU were God, and were creating something like the universe, and it was such a delicate balance and complexity, wouldn't you want it to stick around a while? If you look at the universe, its complexity, and the infinite odds of such a "Cosmic Accident" that is the concept of "Pure Evolution" (also know as "Darwinism"), it takes FAR more faith to conclude that there is no God, and we are all a happy coincidence.

    In addition, I won't list it here because it would be far too long, and this answer is long already, but I would be glad to send you (and anyone else, for that matter) a copy of a paper I found several years ago

    showing purely scientific evidence for the proof of God's existence.

    Hope this helps...

  9. who says they were white????

  10. A) they were not 'white'.  B) I never said there was no natural selection, nor that there was not change.  C) I said that evolutionism, as an explanation of the thousands of organisms, and the hypothesis that they all just 'developed' from some single celled organism, is a religion rather than a science, and that it does not make sense.

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