
Question for college kids?

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What was your freshmen year of college like? I am planning on going to an out of state school. I will be a senior in high school next year. Naturally though i am feeling a little bit anxious of moving to a new state, its not the moving, its just the not knowing anybody really, and not having my normal friends around me?

Stories, advice, experiences, tips?




  1. turn your nervous energy into ambition and excitement!!!

    you are about to have SO MUCH FUN!!

    you will soon have more new friends that you can even imagine right now.. and you will discover a new side of yourself!

    enjoy your time left at home and have a great school year!

  2. Don't sweat it. You'll be in the same boat with lots of other people, and that makes for a lot of socializing/partying right when you get to school. The first few weeks of college are good times.

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