
Question for computer nerds :)

by  |  earlier

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how is it possible that my husband has disabled the history? In the history tab, it only shows the history from a couple days ago. (it shows what sites ive been to, and the ones he doesn't care that i know about) he disables the history in order for me not to find out what he's looking up. how can i turn the history on again? is it a program he uses or just a feature on the computer? and how can i find out what he is looking at if the history wont tell me?! Call me paranoid or nosy if you will...




  1. go to the following in order.....



    internet options

    go under browsing  history

    click settings

    click everytime i start internet explorer

    ...thats if you use internet explorer

  2. Here's an idea.   Let the man have some privacy.

    Can't a man just jerk off to some p**n in peace???

  3. It could be either a program that does this or it could just be disabled in the browser. In internet explorer if you go into tools->>internet options ->> then open temporary files, this will show a whole load of files that have been downloaded from websites. The reason that they have been downloaded is so that next time you load the website the files will be readily available so saving time. If you search though them you will get a good idea of what he is looking at. However if he is smart he will have deleted them as well. You can probably just turn history on again somwehere in the web browsers options however its just as easy to turn it off and delete all records.

  4. if your using firefox you go to

    tools clear private data and it clears

    everything that you visited that day

    if your using internet explorer you

    go to internet options and and

    clear browsing history....

    but as far as i know there is nothing you can

    do unless you get to the computer

    before he has a chance to

    delete the history..

  5. You can't once it's deleted it's gone.

    Everytime he goes for a leak or to get some food from the computer chair.

    Quickly check his history.

    But, to be honest. You gotta' respect the guy a little more.

  6. Once the history is deleted it's gone.  Unless you're a real computer nerd and have the know-how and means to retrieve it.  Like the FBI can.  You can go into the Preferences of whatever browser is on your computer and turn it back on.  But then he just might check and turn off the history again.  But why all the cloak-and-dagger?  Do you really not trust him.  How about being up front with him and ask him why he keeps the History on the browser turned off?  He might just say that he wants a little privacy which is fine.  I suspect he's surfing p**n.  But then all of us here don't know who you or your husband are and what kind of issues are within the relationship.

    Perhaps you are just being paranoid (definitely nosey), he might have a completely innocuous reason for turning off the browser's feature.

    Teh SuXor!

  7. Easy, you clear the History. You can't view the history once it's been deleted.  


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