
Question for cops about license plate visability?

by  |  earlier

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Whats the deal with having or not having the license plate on the front of the car, i see alot of cars with body kits and also newer SUV's that dont have front license plates, or most of the time i see a car with the license plate in the windshield, i got pulled over once for changing lanes too fast after a turn, and i guess accelerating too fast, and the police officer mentioned that my license plate was not clearly visible and i should move it, so cops, whats your take on it? would you pull some one over and are you supposed to if its not on the front bumper?

by the way my license plate was under the front windshield when i got pulled over.




  1. Most States have laws about "properly displayed" tags. Most cops don't enforce it, but it is there if they want to. I see lots of pick-up trucks where the license plate lights have been knocked out due to trailers and they don't "usually" get stopped, but they could.

  2. well I am not a cop, but I am a traffic attorney in the state of Texas. It all depends on your states laws, which you can normally find in the criminal code or at your local court house. Here where I am, in Texas you must have both a front and back license plate, even if the car does not have a place for a front one, a person must drill holes and get that done. also there was a law past here in TX, that states any license plate covers that obstruct any part of the LP itself are illegal, so any dealer frames or college frames ect....are not allowed. You just have to check that out in your own state. Also FYI here in Texas, it is not enough to have the LP in the front window, it has to be properly attached to identify the car.  

  3. Here in Missouri you must have a license plate securely fastened to the front and rear of your vehicle. In the dash is not good enough.

    It is true that many new vehicles do not have a place for it. However, federal law requires manufacturers to produce a car to at least have the ability to mount a front plate. So it is possible to put a front plate an every vehicle.

    This is where talking to your dealership comes in. I bought a new car last year and I noticed it did not have bracket for a front plate. I told the dealership I was going to register the car in Missouri and I needed them to install one. They told me it would be $40. I told them I'd just walk away from the deal if they didn't do it for no charge. Magically, my car came equipped with a bracket installed for free.

    Anyways, I'll stop cars for no front plate and generally give them a warning. But if someone has an attitude about it, such as telling me they don't like how front plates look on their car...I'll hook them up with a $62 ticket, no problemo.

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