
Question for educators: If you are a teacher....?

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and you have your Masters, will you really be paid more than your bachelor's only counterparts? would a school hire me or hire someone else they can pay cheaper?

I'm trying to decide if it's really worth it for now...

thanks for any help.




  1. I have a Master's degree in teaching and I get paid more for that. Not much- like $1000.00/ year, but still more. School boards like to hire more qualified teachers over teachers with just a bachelor's degree because they can use that in their statistics. In Louisiana, parishes like to brag about how many advanced degree teachers they have. I think your chances of getting hired increase with the amount of schooling you have. The amount they pay you is so minimal that I don't think it makes a difference in hiring choices.

  2. Yes to the first question. As to the second, that's a toss up. It should be based on skill, but, they do have budget constraints and you could lose out. That's just the way of the world.

  3. Yes, you will be paid more, because salaries increase with the amount of credits you achieve, in addition to the length of time you work there.

    This is an age-old question:  "will a Masters help or hurt my chances of getting hired?"  Personally, I don't think it hurts a person.  I've never heard of anyone being passed over for a job because her masters degree would cost the school more money.  In all of the hiring discussions I've heard, it was never an issue.  Plus, it looks good for a school to say X% of their teachers have advanced degrees.

    Also, for a district that offers tuition reimbursement, if you already have the degree they won't have to pay to help you get it.  If you're in a district that doesn't reimburse, getting a masters now will  save you money because tuition fees are not going down.

    Masters degrees (or their equivalent) are being required, so it's not a matter of "if" but "when" you will need to get one.  I say go for it now.  I've really found this age-old question to be one born out of fear, not reality.

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