
Question for everybody, easy. ?

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I've asked this question before, I'm just taking a poll

how much did you weigh when you got pregnant?

how often were your periods before you conceived?

how long were you trying to conceive?

did you have any fertility problems like pcos etc?

thank you! just trying to see if there's any pattern, as they say that being overweight and then losing weight helps regulate your periods.




  1. 1.)  I started out between 140-145

    2.) My periods came regular, mostly every 28-30 some odd days

    3.) I wasnt trying to concieve, it just happened

    4.) no fertility problems

    5.) im 5'11"

  2. 1.  before pregnancy I was 70kg after pregnancy was 92kg - 7 months later am 78kg so another 8 to lose :(

    2.  my periods were every month for 5 days

    3.  we had unprotected s*x for over a year (very regular approx 3 times a week) before becoming pregnant

    4.  no fertility problems

  3. I was 181 before I got pregnant.  Gained 48 lbs during.

    Periods were regular as I was on the pill.  Came off and was pregnant less than 2 months later.

    I have a history of endometriosis so I was worried about getting pregnant.  Apparently I didn't need to worry.

  4. how much did you weigh when you got pregnant?

    I weighed around 120 lbs. (8½ st.)

    how often were your periods before you conceived?

    Periods every 28-34 days (usually 28)

    how long were you trying to conceive?

    One year total, but had a miscarriage during that time. It took around 5 months the first time, and 3 months the second.

    did you have any fertility problems like pcos etc?


    I'm 5'2"

  5. I weighed 140 pds when i got pregnant!

    My periods were every 5 weeks before i got preg!

    i wasnt trying to conceive it happened the second time of unprotected s*x!

    no fertility problems!

  6. - with my first I weighed 110, 180 when I had her, I tried for 2 years to get pregnant I had pretty much thought I couldn't have kids the it happened.  

    - Second I weighed around 120, again 180 when I had him, he was a 'blessed accident'

    -Third, I weighed 135, again about 180 when I had her and againd a 'blessed accident'

    My periods have always been a little irregular and I found out right before I got pregnant with my daughter (I should add a had miscarriage 1 month before I got pregnant with her) When I went for the miscarriage they told me I had Cervical Cancer.  When I was pregnant with my third they also told me that I have HPV (the virus that is known to cause carvical cancer)  When I went for my 6 week check up with my last somehow the cervical cancer was gone.

    I learned not to stress to much about it.  God works in mysterious ways and it will happen when the time is right. Make sure to always pray.  Good luck to you!

    *Edit*   I am 5 foot 5.5 inches.

  7. - i started at 130 and ended up 180

    - every 28 days for 7 days

    - two years

    - nope

  8. When I got pregnant I weighed 103 pounds.

    My periods were very regular. If I started on the 10th one month, I started on the 10th the next month.

    We tried for about a month before we got pregnant.

    No fertility problems.

    Edit: I'm 5'1"

  9. 162 pounds (didn't find out until I was 9 weeks)

    Once every month (28-30 days)

    A couple of weeks

    No fertility issues

  10. i'm not going to tell you howe much I weighed but I will say that I was about 25 lbs overweight.

    my periods were consistently 28 days apart

    my husband and I were trying to conceive for 5 months before we got pregnant

    and no I had no fertility problems whatsoever.

    I am 6 ft tall

  11. 146 lbs Pre -Pregnancy

    Currently 31 weeks at 169 lbs

    Every 30 days and lasted about 3-4 days

    2 months

    No fertility Issues


  12. I weighed 140

    every month

    I wasnt trying to conceive..we would pull out, well *he* would pull out, and one time.....

  13. i weighed 130

    my periods were about every 28 days, though i didnt keep good track of them.

    i wasnt 'trying' we did it once without a condom! the women in my family are fertile!!


  14. I weighed 210


    Wasn't trying to conceive, just happened

    Obviously not

  15. I weighed 135 pounds before I got pregnant.  I am 5'9".

    My period was always pretty regular before pregnancy - 28 day cycles.

    It took about 4 months of trying to conceive.

    No fertility problems.

  16. I weighed 240

    my periods were regular but short maybe 3 days at least.

    I tried to conceive for 6 months.

    No I didn't have any Fertility problems.

    my sister on the other hand weighed 200

    her periods were Ehh not the best

    she couldn't conceive until she lost all her weight down to 110.

    she had Cervical Cancer, and PID

  17. Before I got pregnant I weighed 120 pounds.

    My periods were like clockwork and started every 28 days.

    We tried to conceive for about a month.

    I did not have any problems.

  18. first time i weighed 135, my periods were about 28 days....took 2 months to get pregnant, no fertility problems.

    second time i weight 130, periods about 30 days, took 2 months, no feritlity issues.

    Hight 5' 7 1/4"

  19. before i got prego i was 103 i went up to 123 towards the end

    ever month..when i fouind out i was only late by 2 days

    trying to conceive for about 5 months

    no problems getting prego

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