
Question for everyone who has had more then one baby

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here is a bunch of questions for everyone who has had more then one baby..i have a 8 month old baby and me and my husband are planning on having another child very soon so here is a few of my questions please answer them all

1.if u didnt have morning sickness with ur first baby will u have it with the second? soon did u begin to have morning sickness and how many times a day did u throw up and around what time of day? does a person work with morning sickness?

4.i was in labor for 72 hours with my daughter is that going to happen again?

5. did u have any embarrasing sickness moments lol?

6.i had pitocin with my daughter and it was unbarable is it as bad without pitocin?

7.which hurts worse vaginal delivery or c section?




  1. I have an 18 month old and am getting induced with my second on Tuesday.

    1. I had very bad morning sickness with my first, and no morning sickness this time... and they're both boys.

    2. The first time, my morning sickness started at around 6 weeks and lasted until about 24 weeks. I was sick all day and night.

    3. You just do what you have to do... you may find that the fact that you're up and doing stuff instead of moping around even helps a little bit.

    4. If your doctor let you labor for 72 hours, it may be time to find a new doctor. Either way, second babies on average come much faster.

    5. I lived in South Korea when I was pregnant with my son and threw up on a city bus on the way back from one of my appointments. Nobody spoke english and it was very difficult to explain why I was so sick.

    6. Many people say that the contractions you have on Pitocin are worse than natural ones.

    7. C section.

    Good luck.

  2. 1. I was sick my entire pregnancy with my first baby.  With my second it went away on its own at 14 weeks. soon did u begin to have morning sickness and how many times a day did u throw up and around what time of day?  With my first I started getting sick at 6 weeks.  At 15 weeks I was still sick and throwing up several times a day.  I ended up going on medication for it because I was having trouble keeping food down.  With my second I was also throwing up several times a day but it actually helped to eat food.  I felt better after throwing up too.  With my first I felt just as sick once I threw up.  It really sucked.

    3.People understood that I had to throw up several times a day.  One time my boss walked into my office and I had my forehead on my desk and was leaned over my garbage can.  He was sympathic about it.

    4.Probably not.  Its usually faster the second time.  Waiting until labor begins on its own instead of inducing usually results in a shorter labor too.  My first was 11 hours and my second was 4 hours.

    5. :D See question #3

    6. It wasn't unbearable without pitocin.  With my first I was begging for drugs after the birth because they gave me a shot of pitocin in my leg.  I didn't have any drugs during either of my births.

    7. I don't know.  I haven't had a c/s.  I had a really easy recovery with both of my vaginal births.

    Good luck.

  3. I didn't have morning sickness with either child. With my 1st daughter labor was 3hrs. with my 2nd it was 2hrs. I've heard the 2nd is supposed to be faster than the 1st. I had no pain meds with either child they came so fast and I had back contractions and those hurt like h**l but I was able to breathe through them. I think recovery is worse if you have a c-section.

  4. First off, I would like to let you know that EVERY pregnancy is different. I have had 3 children and the first 2 were identical when it came to my pregnancies. The 3rd child was very different. My first 2 were girls and the 3rd was a boy.

    1. I had morning sickness with my 1st and 3rd. With my first child I only had morning sickness in my second to third month and only if I woke up early in the morning. With my third child, I had morning sickness as soon as he was consieved. That is how I knew I was pregnant.

    2. First time was only in the morning. Third child was all day, every day for the first 3 months.

    3. I had to give up working with my third child, but with my first I didn't do too badly and I had a boss that understood. It mostly depends on the job and job requirements.

    4. They say that each pregnancy goes faster than the last.

    5. Not really, everyone pretty much understands if you tell them that you are pregnant.

    6. Not really as long as the labor is decently fast. With my third child I pretty much only had pain medication in my I.V. and I had him without the pitocin. My first 2 I had to have it. I hated it. (Walk A LOT it helps).

    7. I would think that recovery time would be faster with vaginal. I had all 3 vaginal thankfully. My sister in-law had both of hers c-section. I did much better on recovery. However, not all women have the choice. Her first child was an emergency c-section and had to have the second c-section due to Oklahoma hospitals and doctors.

  5. 1. I did not have morning sickness with my first pgcy of twins, But I DID have it with my last baby.. and let me tell you, it was horrible!

    2,  I was sick at 4 weeks all the way until I had him.  If I didnt eat soon enough, or fast enough, or if I ate too much, I was SICK!  At all times of the day!

    3. I'm a sahm mommy so I didnt have to work work.. but had to take care of my 4 yr old twins was very hard since I got sick often.  Sometimes, my husband had to go in late or take the day off to help me.

    4. Its possible but they say that the second delivery is usually faster than the first.

    5. Of course.. One time, My husband and I went grocery shopping.. I started getting sick  and by the time we got to the parking lot, I could no longer hold it in.. I started vomiting in the parking lot!!!

    6. Pitocin actually helps your contractions.. if you had strong contractions, you wouldnt have needed the pitocin to help.. so yea, its hard even without it.

    7. With the twins, my water broke at 2:15AM.. I labored all day long only dilating to 4 cms... Now that was painful enough.. I cant imagine the pain from a vaginal birth...  I ended up having a csection and elected for a repeat csection with my last baby.

  6. Morning sickness really depends on you and how your body is tolerating the pregnancy. I had it fairly early in my pregnancies, but it only lasted a couple months. I would get sick anytime during the day. If you're afraid of getting sick at work, sometimes eating saltine crackers can settle your stomach. I don't know how badly vaginal birth hurts because I never had one, but c-section really isn't all that bad.  

  7. I have had 4 children.

    1.because you have morning sickness with one child, does not necessarily mean you will again.

    2. I never threw up just felt nausiated. It is different for everyone. Morning sickness happens more often in the morning and is usually because you need something in your stomach.

    3. Keep crackers close by, carry them in your purse if need be and

    keep beside your bed for in the morning or whenever you may feel sick.

    4. Your first birth is typically longer then the rest, average about 18 hours. they get shorter after the first, but again, everyone is different so you can;t know for sure.

    5. I never threw up

    6. I have never had Pitocin, I had mine all naturally and the pain was EXCRUCIATING!, but worth every second of it. I did it 4 times......

    7. vaginal for sure if you have it naturally

    Have your child naturally if you can and nurse your child, no excuses!

    I am a big advocate of nursing babies!

    thats what GOD gave us b***s for  lol

    you pass on your immunities to your children, your tummy will go down faster, your milk is tailor made for your child and is what they were meant to have.

  8. 1. I didn't have morning sickness with my first or my second, and I am now 19 weeks pregnant with my third and no morning sickness again.  It all depends on you and your body and the pregnancy.

    2. NA

    3. NA

    4. I was in labor for 41.5 hours with my first and with my second only 8 hours.  They say that the second comes faster and I definitely believe it now.

    5. I had no embarrassing sickness moments.

    6. Not sure.  I didn't have pitocin with either of mine.

    7. This one all depends on you and how you feel about vaginal vs. c-section.  I have only delivered vaginally and I personally hope that I never in my life have to have a c-section.  My best friend had one and she was in a lot of pain afterwards for quite some time.  She was all swollen and had to tend to her incision daily.  A vaginal birth will cause some soreness afterwards but nothing painful in my opinion.  You heal a lot faster from a vaginal birth.  

  9. 1. I wasn't sick with my first but I was sick with my second

    2. I got sick maybe a month into it, and stayed sick the whole pregnancy. Mornings were bad, but smells really got to me and could easily make me throw up and car rides were bad! Even if I drove I got car sick and would have to pull over. But everyone and every baby are different when it comes to this. My prenatal vitamins made this worse; after we changed them a few times I found one that didn't make me as sick.

    3. Keep a trashcan nearby and a cold rag for your head. You just got to push through it.

    4. Your second baby is normally larger than your first (sorry) but labor should move quicker and go fastest and be a little easier. Your body knows now how to respond it's already been through it once. And you mussel are a little loser

    5. Other than having to leave the table at restaurants do to the smell of someone’s food, not really.

    6. I'm not sure what that is. (Sorry)

    7. I have only had c-sections (not by choice) I recovered fine from my first child was up and walking the first day. My second on the other hand I was in the hospital for 4 days and was still unable to walk without pain for another 2 weeks or so. Also the recovery for s*x is longer. I also a=had scar tissue build up from mine and certain s*x positions are no longer an option because it really hurts when it hit the scar tissue

  10. 1.if u didn't have morning sickness with ur first baby will u have it with the second?  You could, no two pregnancies are ever alike. soon did u begin to have morning sickness and how many times a day did u throw up and around what time of day?  Wit my first I had morning sickness 24/7 for 3 months. For the second I didn't have an tying and for the third I had morning sickness for two weeks during my throed month. does a person work with morning sickness? That depends upon the person having morning sickness.

    4.i was in labor for 72 hours with my daughter is that going to happen again?  It may, it may two pregnancies are ever alike.

    5. did u have any embarrassing sickness moments lol?  Nope

    6.i had pitocin with my daughter and it was unbarable is it as bad without pitocin?  No two pregnancies are ever alike.

    7.which hurts worse vaginal delivery or c section?  No two pregnancies are ever a like.  I never had a vanial birth I had three C-Sections and was under general anesthesia do to physical health reasons...I felt no pain all three times.

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