
Question for expecting father's.....?

by  |  earlier

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Okay. I am expecting a child with my fiance. She is 15 weeks pregnant. Last night I had an awful dream, better yet, nightmare where me and her where at a doctors appt. The doctor told us that our baby was going to die. I woke up and was crying to myself. I did'nt tell my fiance because she would have freaked out. She is just like that.

My question is this. I know women get weird dreams when pregnant. Do any of you dad's or expecting dad's get dreams like this?




  1. My husband did.  We all dream about our fears during life changing experiences.  When you buy your first home, you probably had crazy dreams.  When you get married, you'll have weird dreams.  When you are expecting, you have crazy dreams.  Its just part of our subconscious.

  2. Sounds like anxiety, normal, when my wife was pregnant I gained more weight than she

  3. My husband had weird dreams. I would wake up with him checking my stomach and all, because he had dreams where I wasn't pregnant anymore but didn't know why.

    It's normal.

  4. When i was pregnant with my first child, my bf was having crazy dreams. I mean very crazy. He once told me that he had a dream that satan told him that i was going to give birth to the anti-christ and it was going to take over my body. It's normal to have nightmares like these.

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