
Question for experts only: what do u think about modern Italian special forces Col Moschin and Comsubin??

by  |  earlier

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Please, answer only if you really know what you are talking about and without using the same old stereotips about Italian army :-)

Thank you so much :-)




  1. I also don't have any idea what you are talking about, but would like to address your comment about stereotypes of the Italian Army;

    I worked with the San Marco battalion twice, once in Sardinia on a training exercise, and once in Somalia doing real world, and I must say I was impressed with them both times. The Italian snipers I shared a hide with in Somalia, although a little trigger happy, were excellent shots and very well trained. I don't think they had to follow the same, very restrictive, rules of engagement that we US Marines did.

  2. i don't know I'm really sorry.

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