
Question for girls only?

by Guest31706  |  earlier

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Whenever I get my period, I get dizzy and lightheaded. Is there a way to prevent this?




  1. No. Its normal. I get those also, especially tiredness.

  2. take meds.  

  3. you could be dizzy because of your loss of blood , which might mean your anemic or it could be because of the amount of pain you are getting ( bodies way of coping) or it could be your blood type(something wrong wit your blood). only way of preventing this is going to the doctors to see what is wrong , getting them to weigh u , take your blood and ask general questions. they can then give you tablets for it , but make sure you take the tablets before your periods start or they won't work . in the mean time use a hot water bottle and plenty of exercise.  

  4. go to a doctor a .s.a.p

  5. Check with your doctor you may be anaemic, simple blood test will show

  6. Maybe Red Raspberry Leaf tea.

    It promotes a healthy reproductive system, relieve bloating, cramping, prevents miscarriages. Maybe its medicinal properties will relieve your symptoms.

  7. Be sure you're drinking plenty of water, you need even more at that time because you're losing fluids. You should also start taking a vitamin with iron in it incase your blood loss is taking a toll on your iron supplies.

  8. drink your period to get back the blood that you lose?

  9. It sounds more like a combination of anemia which can happen to women during their periods and volume loss.  You could try taking iron supplements on a regular basis and when you know your period is on its way, drink more fluids (water remains the best option).

    Hope this helps.   Peace

    And for those who want to give a thumbs down b/c I am a guy...  I certainly have more experience and knowledge than most guys on the topic of "period problems" and maybe more than some women.

  10. thats lack of iron i guess? try to replenish it?

  11. motrin? lol

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