
Question for girls only (:?

by  |  earlier

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What do you crave the most (besides chocolate) when you're on your period?

Just wondering. Thanks! (: <3




  1. its weird...i dont really crave that often but if i do, its a HUGE craving lol. i usually crave sour cream and onion chips and pickles at like 2am xD

  2. cheetos! :)

  3. i&#039;m wierder then most people i don&#039;t crave anything other then sleep i don&#039;t eat very much at on when i&#039;m on my period call me crazy but it true

  4. I like for a shoulder to cry on and a bunch of laundry. I know this is sick.

  5. ice cream. I always feel crappy and nothing lightens my mood anyway but if I think of something I HAVE to have it! It&#039;s like something takes over. My sis once made my bro go out to everyone store at 11:30 at night so she could haev an Entenmann&#039;s chocolate cake. When he finally found it we all watched as she devoured it. It was hilarious cause it was this little 19 year old girl whos like 110 lbs gobble down this huge cake. We made sure our fingers didn&#039;t get anywhere near it hahahaha :P

  6. OMG! Strawberries and watermelon! Seriously, I eat them like non-stop when I&#039;m on my period. I&#039;m lucky I don&#039;t crave something really fattening, or I&#039;d be in big trouble...I&#039;d probably gain 5 pounds each month! lol!

    &lt;3 Fedora Nora

  7. tostitos

  8. Chocolate bullets!!!! i LOVE them!! but otherwise i

    crave for anything sweet to eat.

  9. ice cream,pickles,strawberries,candy thts mainly it

  10. Corn-dogs.

  11. CARBS!

    Sometimes I eat like 4 english muffins and 2 bagels in a day...and Kashi...mmm...

  12. cheeseburger and ice cream,,

    and i dont workout during my period and tend to snack a lot,,

  13. bagels. lmfao :]

  14. watermelon!!


    i dont know why, but i just crave watermelon when im on my period.

  15. a quick working pain medication and a HOT bath

  16. Hmm... i craveee cookie dough!!

    and chicken !

  17. tacos

  18. Wine!

  19. Oooh, I love this question! Definitely marking as interesting. ^^

    Well, anything that is remotely soft &amp; sweet- such as ice cream, frozen yogurt, milkshakes, etc. I also love chips- or basically, anything salty. Fries, pretzels... just give me something crunchy and I&#039;m all for pigging out on my period. =D Hope this helps,


  20. I&#039;m on my period right now and I am craving croissants! Oh deary...

  21. Pretty much everything.

    But chocolate chip granola bars &amp; sour cream and onion chips are a deffinate.

  22. I love having kfc works burgers while i&#039;m on my period =)

  23. It&#039;s usually something thats really hard to get, like watermelon during the winter or something.

  24. salty.

  25. French fries with ketchup...

  26. lol chocolate is like the only thing i can eat while on my period. everything else makes me feel sick.

  27. Anything and everything that I see. lol

  28. Anything deep-fried or smothered in chocolate!

    Or (becuase i&#039;m aussie), anything with lots of vegemite, meat pies, lamingtons etc. So sterotypically Australian, BUT IT IS TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!    :DDDDD!!


    I&#039;m getting a meat pie now; i hope your happy!!!  :(



  29. Calzone&#039;s. And I haven&#039;t had one in like five years;; and occasionally I crave beans. And also .... nutty bars&lt;3 They&#039;re my favorite food in the world ... although that has chocolate .. it&#039;s my favorite!!

  30. I don&#039;t know why but it&#039;s always air-popped popcorn. And sometime I dip it in ketchup. I know it sounds gross but when your hormonal it tates pretty good! :)

  31. Pudding. I don&#039;t know why I crave pudding, but I do.

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