
Question for girls please?

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im 13 and i want to loose weight, i weight about 140 lbs and im 5"8. i have an athletic body. when im 18 im trying out for ANTM. i know that sounds kinda stupid but thats what i really want to do. i think i need to start loosing weight now. i know i would be a plus size model. but i want to get to at least a size smaller or 2. how do i loose weight the healthy way? what are some work out i could do that woudl help. i do work out but i need to knkow some other ways too! thanks.




  1. I would say when ever you eat a snack or dessert or something look at the calories, maybe eat foods with under 200 or 150 calories as a snack food for 1 or 2 days. go for runs in the morning or at night to stay healthy and get exercise too. maybe if you have a local gym go there for an hour or 2 for a few days. and i know i do this too but dont always get a snack just because your going to watch tv or somehting and if you do have it be like a healthy granola bar or something healthy.

  2. Well first I know people hate to hear this but you have to eat healthy. You cant exercise a ton then go pig out at Mc Donald's.

    Read that. That will really help about what to and not to eat. (It gives you a pretty wide range though)

    Then, for exercise, run/walk every day. Swich out between running and walking, Just because you have a long time to get there, the more you loose the better, and also because of that DONT slack off on your diet. If you stay strong, you will be even more proud of yourself! AND people will be proud of you because they CAN notice!!! RUn/Walk Preferably in the afternoon because then you will go to bed early and you will get a full nights rest. (Not getting enough sleep is hard on your body and getting enough sleep will def. help you in this process)

    If you are stuck in the house, run up and down stairs. Cardiovascular really does it.

    Then, ONLY it when you are hungry and when you do eat meals, get small portions, then if you are hungry after that get more, but see if you get a big meal, then you will tend to over eat because it is just sitting there in front of you.

    That is basically all. EXERCISE AND EAT RIGHT! And I will be watching for you on Americas Next Top Model!!!!!  

  3. I would cut out all carb's almost & then hit the gym at least 4 times a week.

    eat sprouts for lunch (i know there gross but it helps)

    try to stay away from fatty-meats but you still ave to find a way to get the protein you need.

    Maybe you should get a gym membership & talk to a personal trainer or a nutritionist.  

  4. As for exercise, cardio is your best option.  Walking and running are very good for your body.  If you don't run, try walking until you feel comfortable enough to try short distances.  Try 1/4 of a mile and slowly work your way up.  If you keep this up (along with a healthy diet) you should be able to notice the changes.

    As for your diet, try to avoid sweets and junk food (as anyone would tell you).  Get into a habit of eating lots of fruits and vegetables.  Also, try eating smaller portions--only eat until you're not hungry any more (try not to get full).

    Its not always easy-it will take time.  Good job for thinking ahead and best of luck to you!

  5. The thing about being a model is, while it may be an interesting, even fun career, it's VERY demanding on your body. While those models are pretty darn hot with their skinnyness, have you ever noticed that they can't do a whole lot physically? That's because of muscle loss.

    Try to get lean muscle, but don't just get skinny. I'm around your age, and a REALLY good thing to do is gymnastics.'s incredible. Try it for awhile and watch the results.

    If you don't want to do this, just start with the basics:

    get up every morning and run/walk. Build up to jog/running a mile or two. Running is great cardio along with:

    Try jump roping a few times every day. Or try a sport, espeically soccer and basketball. Those are great.

    Eat healthy. This means fruits and veggies as well as maybe a multi-vitamin and some lean meats for protein. Stay away from fast food, packaged food, etc. Try to eat stuff raw.

    I wish you the best of luck!

  6. how du you do with the shoe?

    feel that feel this feel true

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