
Question for girls to answer please?

by  |  earlier

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im 13 and i came on my period yesterday and this is the 3rd time i have had it and i was just wondering my period is really quite heavy is this normal because last time it wasnt much and now i have a really heavy period is this normal ?




  1. really normal hun mine used to be so heavy i was off school most months as i was in so much pain

    hope urs arnt this bad!


  2. Totally normal.  Your body is getting use to your period, don't be suprised if you miss a few months, or if your period gets longer.  I hope I helped you, Good luck.

    P.S.  YOu might want to try a tampon if it's really heavy.

  3. This is my 3rd period too and its extreamly heavy but my mom told me that it dose that sometimes, I have already changed my pad 5 times because im a little freaked out but trust me, its better than haveing a heavy period whereind a white skirt at tennis (Just make sure you drink lots of water and excersize)

  4. Yes you`ll probably have 3 light ones and one heavy one...its normal so don't worry.

  5. My Love, It is totally normal!

    Have a little look at this, it will really help:

  6. It's 100% normal, so don't worry!

  7. Hey There.

    Don't worry about it, mines like that all the time. Sometimes its normal, next quite light then can be really heavy. Its natural so don't worry about it ..



  8. Don't worry, that's normal, and I say it especially because it's just the 3rd time for you... the first year maybe you will notice anomalies. I know many young women, like you, who notice it.

    If you are scared, you shall go to the gynecologist, who can verify everything is right.

  9. Im 14 and ive had my period three times aswell. The first two were so light that i wasn't even sure it was my period! But today im on my period and it is really heavy. According to my mum this is perfectly normal so hooray for us :D You have nothing to be worried about x

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