
Question for guys,plz answer:]?

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why do guys find girls with dark hair and freckles ugly:[




  1. not the best look

    but it depends on if you are pretty or ugly

    those things aren't what make you pretty or ugly

  2. Not all guys like or dislike the same thing.  Making assumptions like guys find girls with dark hair and freckles ugly is silly and simply not true.

  3. I'm not a guy either, but I have two brothers and lots of guy friends and can say that true beauty doesn't come from looks but from your personality and the type of person you are.

    I've also struggled with not feeling pretty, but when I became more comfortable with who I was, I noticed that a lot of awesome guys became good friends with me. I am definitelly not the hottest or the one whom everyone wants to date right off. But I know quality guys look for girls who are confident and secure with who they are for those long-lasting relationships.

    (and by the way I know several people who actually think freckles are cute =).  

  4. I think that girls with dark hair and freckles are hottttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I always say "Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder"  

  6. im not a guy but

    they think ur


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