
Question for guys...(girls too if you want i guess)?

by  |  earlier

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not to sound..idk annoying haha but any time i get hit on (not often lol) its by people older than me. today it was two 17 year olds, one 18 year old, and three 19 year olds (they were all friends.) im fourteen...and i think i look it i guess. so what im wondering is do guys like younger girls or did they think i was older than fourteen?




  1. u must look older than u seem. happens to me too.  

  2. some guys like younger girls but u might just look older

  3. Guys like younger girls but you probably look older than 14.

  4. haha

    same thing happens to me

    i love it though! and im only 14 too. but its usually like only 19 year olds. they're better to talk to. i despise guys my age

  5. a lot of guys like younger girls but u prolly look older than 14

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