
Question for guys....?

by  |  earlier

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on a scale of 1--10, how would you rate how i look and why? 1 being absolutely horrifying and 10 being absolutely gorgeous. im curious cuz i recently moved and a few guys keep looking at me with just like blank expressions.

pic 1--

pic 2--

pic 3--

btw-- im 15 and dont get started on that im "too young to be posting pictures of myself on the internet." and theres no photoshop done on any of these [if you were wondering]




  1. I give you 7 maybe an 8, but I think when you get a little older you could be a 9. I do think you should play around with make up a little more and hair and tanning all that. You can look better, but yeah you look good for 15.  

  2. I agree with the other people that said nice things. You are pretty definitely. I noticed your room is a mess though and that might imply that you don't care much for yourself. Clean up your environment and you might just feel a lot better!

  3. what are you...grunge? take pictures where you look like a girl, then ask again.

  4. You are indeed very pretty. But you would do well to worry more about what your insides (personality and heart) are like.  Pretty on the outside is a gift from God. What you make of your personality is your contribution to this world.

  5. your to young to be worried about that **** but i guess times have changed in this world to where 15 year olds are having kids so ... id say you need to post that question on a teenager site  

  6. hmm well i give you like a 9.5/10 :)  so cute and young looking

    u fine as a muthafucka would luuuuuv to hit that ****
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