
Question for high school girls?

by  |  earlier

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so if im in ur class what would i have to do to get you to like me or get your attention in a good way and give me a little more than just be funny add a little detail




  1. pass notes to her during class,i know it sounds corny,but it will get her attention an she will think its a sweet gesture

  2. i would want you to come up and talk to me and try to be my friend and just be funny so i laugh at you but in a good way;)♥

  3. u would have to talk to me i love guys who can talk to me and just be themselves i hate it when ppl pretend to be someone there not um funny is always nice... also u have to be nice to me and my friends but really just be yourself. its how guys steal my heart.

  4. hm, good question.

    you would probably have to come off as if you know what you're talking about, someone who's funny, but can be serious.  don't try to disrespect the teacher so you get a laugh out of everyone.  don't slack off, help me when i have a question o am having difficulties. :)

  5. you would have to be good in a way. like not be stupid and try to show off. dont be cocky or try to impress me. honestly just be yourself. and when you see me say something like hey or try to start a convo. that would get me to notice you right away. and smiling at me in class, or making eye contact with me. and just being nice. maybe holding the door for me. something like that. hope this helps! good luck!

    answer mine pelase!!

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