
Question for homeschooled people?

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how many of you are graduating early and how are ya'll doing it. I was homeschooled 2 years ago and now i'm back at school. Now i want to graduate early and i was wondering if ya'll are taking online courses to graduate and if ya'll plan to go to colledge. Just wondering. thanks!!




  1. I'm graduating this December which will be half a year early. I'm not taking online courses. I've just been homeschooling all through highschool and am ready to start college. I'll be a full time student in one of the most selective state universities in the spring and I can't wait. When you're homeschooled traditionally, it's just a matter of learning the material, staying involved in extracurricular activities, doing well on the SAT or ACT and any other tests you choose to take like AP exams, and having well kept records and transcripts.

  2. My son has the option to graduate early. He has taken community college courses while in high school.

    Best of Luck!


  3. My oldest child is only 10, but she and I have been discussing her future education because she aspires to be a veterinarian.  After researching it, we have decided that rather than have her graduate early, she is going to enroll at our local community college for her junior and senior years of "high school" as a dual enrollment student.  Those courses will count towards both her high school completion, as well as give her college credits.  The best part is that the state will cover the costs of her community college.

    She will then be able to transfer directly from high school to her choice of four year college, but only have a year or two to go for her Bachelors and then she can transfer to Vet school for another 3-4 years.

    She will save two years in this process, without graduating early...the best of both worlds!

    I hope this helps.  It is definitely an option you could consider (the dual enrollment).

  4. I'm already graduating a year early, and I'm aiming for two! I am just doing my work faster and working during the summer too, not just regular school year dates (sep-jun)

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