
Question for ladies in the dancing <span title="category...........................?">category....................</span>

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is it hard to learn the art of belly dancing?

my teenage daughter and i would love to learn and also tone up our bodies.............




  1. no not really but it gets you all sweaty and really needs you to move those hips and belly and you can actually teach yourself.

  2. no its not hard, start off by taking a beginners class at your local community college or gym

  3. My best friend taught herself to belly dance by buying an instructional videotape. It can&#039;t be that hard if she can teach herself! She&#039;s not exactly the most graceful person on earth =]

  4. Belly dancing is one of the easiest dance styles for women to learn because it is so natural.  It may not seem like it at first, because we all get a bit stiff around our middle section - but once you get the knack, there&#039;ll be no stopping you!

    There are some good DVD&#039;s - the ones by Veena and Neena are good for complete beginners, or Jillina&#039;s when you&#039;re ready to get more technical.

  5. Belly dancing is tough. I&#039;m 16 and I&#039;ve been self teaching myself for about a year. It takes a lot of practice, but definitely worth it!! Plus, it&#039;s tons of fun.

    ~Some great, great videos of bellydancing would be anything by Rachel Brice or Shakira

    ~If you are going to learn, you HAVE to get Tribal Fusion Belly Dance by Rachel Brice.  This is the only DVD I use.  It is the best in the world. Trust me!

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