
Question for ladies who actually HAD implantation bleeding?

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What was it like? What did it look like? How long did it last?





  1. I had the tiniest threads of blood inside normal discharge. It wasn't pink or brown, it was more red. It was only there a couple of times when I wiped and that was it. This was on the 28th of July (I had ovulated on the 18th or 19th). I though it was the beginning of my period but the next day when there was no blood I did a test and got a very very faint positive. I did one the following morning and it was stronger then the next evening I got a digital one and it said "pregnant".  

  2. I have never had it but my mum did. At the very beginning of her pregnancy when her period was due she just spotted on and off for about a day. It was very dark blood and was very slight. There was no pain though i think some woman can suffer from pain too.  

  3. i had some cramps and bleeding at 8, 9 and 11wks... i was told at an early 8wk scan that this was due to implantation.... it was kinda brownish blood rather than red period type bleeding if that makes sense...if you're not sure you can wear a pad and ask your mid-wife to take a look... oh the joys of being a woman!! i found that taking thing a little easier and resting helped loads... get your feet up and take care xx

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