
Question for liberals about distribution of wealth?

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Why do you think wealth should be taken from those who earn it and given to those who do nothing to earn it?




  1. Corporate Taxes - Oh yeah, don't allow the companies to re-distribute their wealth to their hard-working, late staying, over-worked, family missing, travel crazy, and concerned loyal employees.  Instead give it to the people who don't work, here illegally.

    By the way, here is a little reminder.  Companies exist to make money for Product and Services the distribute.  If you tax the profits, the company will see an  increase incost and lower my margins.  However the company then Increases Prices (i.e. gas) the companyi makes more profit and the government  makes more taxes.  But our tax system allows them to shelter taxes, and therefore all we are left with is higher prices.... Thats inflation.  

    Ok, so the governments cuts all the tax shelters, your still left with Higher Prices to make Grossly large profits for investment and interest production.

    Thats capitalism, unless you as liberal feel that companies should not make over a certain amount. i.e. cap profits and apply a winfall tax to some arbitary amount the government sees fit. (by the way if you apply this to gas/oil it won't stop there, it will be a presidence to apply this to any company that sees high profits from any product.

  2. Because liberalism is next to socialism. I wish liberals would just admit it. At least I would have respect for their convictions. By the way, I'm not wealthy.

  3. The question is somewhat spinning to me..

    I think the middle and working class should get the majority of the tax cuts, because I feel it is best for the country..

    I support welfare, but would like to see it reformed once again.. As too many abuse it, though not as many as some would think..

    Keep in mind, we are talking about a 2% tax increase for the wealthy.. People who can spend a million dollars on a watch, suredly can afford such a small percentage.. Besides, welfare and unemployement are already in place.. Most likely, the tax increase will go towards the deficit.. Not to the poor..

  4. I don't think that.  I think the rich should pay more for the country's defense, since they don't often pay with their lives.

    When we're going into such debt, somebody isn't paying for it who could be and should be.

  5. I think it is because liberals simply do not understand simple economics.

    I think it is because the church and communities have stopped taking care of charity and placed it in the hands of government.

    I think it is because the Government has taken over even the simplest responsibility for those who rely on handouts.

    It's much easier to pass laws making other responsible for your inability or inertia to take care of yourself and your family.

    Because they like to guilt you into it by making you feel bad for taking responsibility for yourself, taking the initiative to earn more, get a better education, plan for your future, etc.

    Or just to stick it to you because you have ability they refuse to recognize or try to attain.

    Or just plain jealousy, I really don't know, but I think I'll join them when the next Lib is in office and then there will be even less of the pie to share.

  6. What if I told you that money came from corporate taxes. Geez, people fall on hard times and you want to kick them out on the curb without any food. Some compassionate people we got here.

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