
Question for long term swimmers (all swimers in general)?

by  |  earlier

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why do you like swiming what is it about swimming you like

what level are you currently at and what do you hope to achieve?

need to know what other swimmers think

thanks =) in advance




  1. Like swimming because:

    -It's individual and team

    -Don't sweat

    -see my friends

    -any time of year

    I am currently in a level where I am training for REALLY REALLY long distance swims. Such as 1566m swim.

  2. Why do I like to swim....

    because 1. it makes me feel so free in the water.

                    2. swimming is the only exercise that my back can take.


    What level am I....

                     I swim very very slow but go for a long distance.

                     I usually swim a mile in 34 min.

    What do I hope to achieve...

                     I hope to swim like a fish someday.. very smooth

                     streamline, effortless stroke but can swim fast

                     And loose at least 15lbs!!

    I just love being the water ; )

  3. I like swimming because it isn't as physical as some other sports, though I like those too. Also, you won't die of heat stroke (haha). Right now I'm on the school swim team, but I don't really want to change although I'd be up for something tougher if I'm in the mood.

  4. I like the feeling of adrenaline.

    no sweating

    I'm working on quicker starts.

  5. I have a swimming pool. I love swimming and so do my kids. They were all swimmers in Jr High School and High School. I am not able to swim anymore, because I broke 5 vertebraes in my back, and have had 3 back surgeries. I do water or aqua therapy in the pool every day in the summer, and I go in my hot tub 2-3 times per day. I used to be an excellant swimmer, I was a certified life guard.

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