
Question for mcdonald workers...?

by  |  earlier

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im still in training and so far i have had about 6 shifts or so on fries. tomorrow is my first shift on front counter...and im really scared! was it hard? does anyone have any tips or embarrassing stories they can tell to make me feel less scared?

thx xx




  1. The tip is to be very nice and polite. People who go to fast food joints aren't there to have tea time. What they want is to be able to order their food, get their food, and get out with their food. Make both you and your customer's time as efficient as possible. Be courteous but also be swift. Get their order, get the payment, get the food, boom you're done. Have confidence bro it ain't nothing! Goodluck!

  2. SMILE SMILE SMILE !!!!!! If you mess up apologize. Look the customer in the eye when speaking to them. Dont treat them like some mad man. Be polite. dont blame someonelse if you mess up. Remember this one thing.......THE CUSTOMERS ARE WHAT PAYS YOUR SALARY.....if you want them to come back treat them like they are your best friends. GOOD LUCK!!! Everything will be okay

  3. It will be fine, young human. It will be fine.

  4. Pay NO MIND to the rude people you will encounter. Entertain the regulars and jus do things automatcially.

  5. I've been working at McDonalds for almost a year, and my biggest suggestion is to be friendly and helpful. Make helpful suggestions, and dont be nervous. If people give you a hard time, dont take it seriously, just crack a joke at them.

    One of the new guys at my job was joking around with me, after I had knocked into three things within a 5 minute period. I said that I belong in a big plastic bubble because I'm such a clutz, but he looked at me and said no, you shouldn't be in a bubble, you should be in a hamster ball. The closing manager was standing right there, and she said that thats reason to be smacked because he shouldnt have said that.

    But after a while, you'll figure out that your work is like one big dysfunctional family.

  6. My first job was at Burger King!!!

        It's not hard at all, like any job you just have to get used to the routine. The first day will be a little confusing, but as long as you have a positive attitude, you can get through it! If you don't know something, there will be managers to help you.

              Customers shouldn't give you too hard a time. Most will understand that you are new, and if they seem to be getting impatient, just say, "sorry, first day", and smile.

             If you work fast food, you need to develop a thick skin. Sorry, but the truth of the matter is that people do not treat fast food workers with a lot of respect. If you come across an idiot, just try to get them out the door ASAP, and remember that you are only there to make some $$$. So forget them, and move on.

                   Good luck! !

  7. Just make sure you're wearing one of the trainee badges. Customers are VERY understanding. The less they hassle you, the better you'll do.

    Have a GREAT day!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The Muse

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