
Question for mediums/psychics?

by Guest56729  |  earlier

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If you visit a place that is haunted, what are the chances that the spirit will follow someone home? Does that happen? If it does, are there ways to prevent this? My friend and I have been invited to go stay over night with a few investigators and help them with their equipment. We don't know if we should go or not.




  1. As someone else said, it depends on the entity. And on what kind of "spirit" activity is going on at the location. A demonic spirit can follow someone but it's highly unlikely it would happen to someone setting up equipment. If you're not participating in anything having to do with communicating with spirits, then you're keeping your energy channels closed so you'll be safe. You'll be ok but I wouldn't do it unless you get some closure for these concerns first because worrying about it can cause your imagination to mess with you. Ask the invistigator team about their experiences, they'll tell you.

  2. I guess I'm the oddball on this question. I disagree. I KNOW that something followed ME. I thought it was something /somebody good..but now I don't know. I think you should leave this question in awhile and see what others say..those who have had experiences too.Maybe there's something you do that either prevents them from following you ..or gives them permission to follow you. I'm not a I don't know what the rules are!Good Luck..Be Safe!!

  3. The only thing you'll take home are some memories, hopefully good ones. The reason a place is 'haunted' has nothing to do with visitors. Rest easy.

  4. Spirits are not puppies.

  5. that would be EXTREMELY rare. Also most ghosts I know are unable to leave a building or grave site's premises, I like to call this, "chained."

  6. You shouldn't go.  Your mind is already ripe for suggestive data creation.  Anyone who researches something should be able to conduct themselves as objectively as possible.  It seems like you wouldn't be able to do that in your current state.

    On the other hand, you could go on a research trip and find out there's nothing to this ghost thing after all.

  7. I'm not sure what the rules are as far as ghosts go.  Some say they can follow you, some disagree.  But here's the thing.  You've been invited because you either show interest or have done something to impress the team.  Go and have fun.  Maybe you'll see something, maybe not.  I'm sure it will be thrilling.  As far as the spirit following you home, I think it's worth the chance.  And in the event that it does, there are methods to get rid of it (if you want to get rid of it.)

  8. I think its kinda more likely 'cause of they're energy. you can't help it.

  9. oh no, they wont come home with u, but if u get carried away by what u see u might feel in the future that its with u.

    i saw one near my university...i still have trouble believing that it disappeared in front of my eyes! and yeah, i still think about his smiling face. but never get scared...i swear it is nothing scary at all.

  10. I doubt they'd follow you. Just don't give them a reason to. And even if you did, I still don't think they'd follow you unless it was a demon, or simply a kind spirit you seemed to associate with as a family member, or friend in a past life.. which would be highly rare in a strange surrounding.

    You should go. It'll be fun!

  11. I've never had one follow me home.  I already have enough ghosts here already.    My ghost can kick your ghosts but! LOL

  12. It depends on the ghost. I have been followed home several times but you need to know that if you tell it nicely to go away it will. If not nicely then insist it leaves and then it will go away. Most ghosts are not bad, just curious.

  13. they won't follow you home unless they recognize you as someone they know or if you pay too much attention too them.

  14. Hello Morgana

    A haunting is energy that is imprinted upon a place, so that cannot leave with anyone. Or a spirit who visits a place or person at regular or irregular intervals.

    Spirit do not tend to go home with people, you have your own guiding energy's with you who will keep you safe etc.

    Psychically it is possible for an energy/spirit to contact you - but that would be via your guides etc.

    Go - have fun


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