
Question for men!!! Do you get tired of always being seen as the bad guy or dumb guy?

by  |  earlier

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i dont know if this is because of lifetime movies portraying men to be abusive, or rapists, or just bad in general.

but do you get tired of being seen as the bad guy or dumb guy?




  1. No. I'm perfect. It's my belt they fear.

  2. I'm a girl but I'm tired of people thinking all men are cheaters and just want in a girl's pants.  There are girls that are cheaters and trollops too.  Then there are guys who just want a nice girl who doesn't do them wrong.

  3. my boyfriend was with me in a toyshop when this little kid fell over he picked her up from the floor and out of nowhere this enraged mother snatched the kid off him like he was some pervert... that really hurt him

    there was an old man (80s) who used to watch the kids playing in the local park... he was removed by the police... he wasn't doing anything and told the police that he doesn't get to see his grandkids that why he likes to watch the kids playing

    i think its very sad that men are viewed so poorly by society... yes some men are rapists and perverts but most are decent human beings and we should remember that

  4. Actually, none of the women I've known have ever seemed to think of me as either, and the opinions of people I've never met are of no concern to me.  Obviously I have my faults, as do we all, but those are not two of them.

  5. i think guys let things roll off their shoulders more

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