
Question for moms about breastfeeding?

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What made you want to breastfeed? I want to breastfeed because it's cheaper, helps you loose weight and most importantly, it's really healthy for the baby. Studies show breastfed babies are less sickly babies. However, I find that when I tell people I plan to breastfeed, I get some pretty negative comments-that I really don't appreciate! A nurse friend of mine says "you better hope you don't get mastitis-that's a painful ordeal you don't want to go through!" or other women say "Why do you want your baby to suck on your b*****s-they have formula you know!" and some demeaning ones like-"OMG, your b*****s will sag horribly after you do that!" Why are people so negative and insensitive to breastfeeding? After all, the purpose of your b*****s making milk is to feed your baby. I realize, breastfeeding is not an option for every woman, however, why do people feel the need to put down a woman who decides to do so? Anyone else go through this? What's your response to the rude remarks?




  1. Breast milk is best for any baby. Ignore all negative comments and do what you feel like doing. Research shows that breast fed babies are healthier and leaner and less likely to be obese when they grow up. In addition, the antibodies in your milk will make your baby immune to many infections.

  2. My guess would be guilt. I breastfeed both of my boys. In addition to the already great points in favor of breastfeeding is, it's so much easier! You don't have to worry about making bottles. I mean when you are getting up every two hours to feed your baby, it's so nice to ling over and get them out of their bed/ packnplay/ bassinet, a feed them. Then go back to bed. Instead of fumbling around in the kitchen warming up a pre made or making a bottle. This waking up everyone in the house. I mean why not? Some people can be so negative and frustrating when you are pregnant. That was the thing I hated most about being pregnant. Nosy negative people who wanted to tell me horror stories or people who tried to change my mind. Congrats on the baby, stay strong, lol!

  3. Breast is Best :)

    As well as all your reasons, i also like the convenience.

  4. Honestly don't listen to women who give you c**p about breastfeeding.  I breastfed both of my little ones and I am a young mom and got a lot of the same responses.  I also had mastitis and it really wasn't as bad as people say and it in no way cancels out all the benefits of breastfeeding.  My children have never had a single ear infection or cold and I credit a lot of that to them being breastfed.  I think its awesome you want to breastfeed, its the best you can do for your baby, and why not do it?  I never understood why women didn't breastfeed... the milk is already there and ready!  So either the women who have said that to you have never had a baby or are just plain selfish to not give your own baby what is best for it. I applaud you for your decision!  

  5. That's a loaded question...I hope you're ready for alot of criticism both ways.  I believe that breast is best, but i'm not opposed to formula.  It just depends on what's right for you & how you feel.  If you're on the fence, you could rotate breast & formula.  I believe it is definelty cheaper.  As far as the loose weight thing, that's not always true because you have to eat more calories while breastfeeding so that you can stay healthy & keep producing the milk (alot of people are going to disagree with this but each persons body is different & that's how it worked with me).  I've lost weight but I ain't skinny from breastfeeding.  My baby has never been sick & she is 12 1/2 months (I'm still breastfeeding some but she mainly eats food).  But I know formula babies that are perfectly healthy too.  Like i said, you are the only one who can decide what's right for you & your child.  The one thing I have noticed is that any healthcare professional that hears I breastfeed my daughter & still do has done nothing but compliment me & what a good thing I have done by breastfeeding & continuing to breastfeed after 1 yr.  I've never had anyone tell me what I am doing is wrong or bad!

  6. Trust me if you formula fed you'd get the comments too.  I formula fed my oldest(just young and niave and never really saw anyone breastfeed) and got some pretty nasty comments. Also, have gotten some about breastfeeding my youngest. IT is because people are catty and think they know everything  

  7. Sometimes people take it upon themselves to feel judged when you make decisions that are different from the ones they chose.

    Breastfeeding is wonderful for both mom and baby. Has health benefits for the baby, protects the baby from illness, and the longer mom breastfeeds the less likely she is to get breast cancer.

    It's been proven that breastfeeding is the better choice, don't let them get to you.

  8. yeah and I still get them from some family members sometimes and she is 9 months old...I guess the main reason I wanted to breastfeed was because of how close you are too your baby and it's the best thing for your baby...I have also saved my family alot of $$ by nursing...I also just wanted to prove that I could breastfeed and make it work this time.with my 1st baby I thought I didnt have enought milk but in all reality I was just too lazy to stick with breastfeeding...Breastfeeding is the best thing I have chosen to do for my baby this far

  9. There was a recent study that breast feeding at least six months reduces your risk of breast cancer too.

    Either choose to ignore the negative comments or educate on the benefits.

    Keep up the good work. You will be providing your child with the very best start in life. It is hard work but so totally worth it!!

  10. Don't worry,people are always going to make their opinion known,wanted or not!Lol!And do you really care what these people who won't breastfeed because of vainity care!

    I know what you mean though.I chose to breastfeed my daughter as why would I not out her health above everything else!I've been breastfeeding my daughter for 4 months now and despite telling them otherwise I still have aunts who are convinced I have in to the pressure from the NHS and haven't made my own choice on this!

    Congratulations on the breastfeeding!

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