
Question for moms of toddlers....?

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When did your child start walking? Any signs that he/she was about to start walking? I have a one year old, who loves to crawl, just wondering :-)




  1. My son started walking unassisted at 14-15 months old.

    My niece started walking just shy of her 1st birthday.

  2. when she was two she walked on her knees she grew out of that by 3 1/2

  3. i'm not a mom, but i am 11 years older than my lil sis. she started to walk when she was 15 months, and she crawled a lot like your baby...

    hope i helped!!!

  4. Mine started at 10 months and wasn't crawling by 11 months...  But he only started crawling when he was over 9 months - he preferred 'cruising' or going around the room by holding onto furniture.

    Cruising is the first sign - some kids will cruise for a few weeks before taking that independent step, and some will only cruise for a day.

    The way to encourage it is to walk with your baby a lot - hold his/her hands and have him/her walk around outside - usually they like walking upright outside because they can see more that way.  

    Of course, if you have a baby who loves crawling, it could be a while before he/she walks!  Not because of any lacking capability, but because crawling is so easy!

    EDIT: I forgot to mention that the best way to get them to go to walking from cruising is to give them two toys to hold!!!

  5. every baby is different; one sign is pulling up and standing

  6. i'm not a mom but babys run....they dont walk

  7. My son didnt walk till he was 2 1/2 but he had bi-lateral club feet and my daughter walked at 13 months. Every child is different.

  8. as the mother of 3 boys, I will tell you every child is unique.

    My oldest loved to crawl untill 15 months, he could pull up walk holding things, but as soon as he dropped it he would fall.  my middle son  was about 16 months loved to crawl even after walking, it was safer and faster.  My youngest was totally running by 11 months.  Each child is his or her own special person.  when he or she is ready she will take off

  9. 10 months, but every baby is different!

  10. put him next to the couch have him hang on and he will start to  take a step or two

  11. My son walked at 10 months, but some kids are different, my nephew didn't walk till he was almost 2! Just give it time, one day you will wake up and he or she will do it!

  12. My 1st walked right at 1. My 2nd at 10 months. My 3rd walked a week after he turned 1. My son was a late crawler though too. He only crawled for a month or so. The experts say not to worry until 18 months. I had a friend of mine's son that didn't walk until 16 months. He just fine.

    He/she will get it soon enough. Good luck!

  13. my daughter was walking at 9 months and before that she started standing by herself, then she just started taking a step and fall down and id help her with the walking she would walk short distances with help and before i knew it she was walking by herself, good luck

  14. My daughter was 9 months standing. Walking alone by 10 months, running by her first birthday.

  15. 11 months, but we were worried because he never crawled. He started walking before he even attempted to crawl...I don't think that's a good thing. Just remember, every child is different. There's no reason for you to start worrying :)

  16. 10 months for my son, he started pulling himself up on furniture and was "almost" walking for a few days until he finally took that first step. Good luck and have a camcorder ready!!

  17. Well my son was a late walker.. he walked at 20 months. But normally when they start walking around the table or the sofa or attempting to stand up on their own, they're ready for walking. Try buying a walker, the one that the child pushes, maybe it will help.

  18. My son is now 14 1/2 months and has begun to walk!

  19. Your child will probably start pulling up to a standing position on the furniture and then start "cruising" by walking while holding on to a low table or couch.  Then one day they will let go...

    My son has been walking for 3 months now ( he is 13 months) and please believe me when I tell you--do not be in any hurry!  Enjoy this time, it will never come again...

  20. my daughter started at 10 months and my son 3 days after his 1st birthday. they both started relatively soon after walking along things while holding on (holding on to the couch and walking)....

  21. 10 months, she started crawling with one foot in front and then it turned into a walk. All babies are different though, i dont think its right to base it off of any child but your own.

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