
Question for moms or moms to be..........?

by  |  earlier

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The doctor told me on my last appt that i have hypertension and I need to see a specialist. Do any of you ladies have this? Has it effected your child? Please let me know I am very scared.




  1. Hypertension = high blood pressure. It's not "normal" so to speak; however, it is fairly common. Many ways to fix it... I wouldn't be super concerned.  

  2. hi serra

    i had hypertension towards the end of my pregnancy. the doctor wanted me to check-in with him every week. we did urine, blood pressure tests and checked my weight.

    i was refered to a specialist also... and they gave me advice on how to handle the hypertension so i could try to control it.

    i had my precious little love a month ago and he is perfect..

    if u have hypertension and your doctor controls it... no worries for the baby.

    if it gets out of hand... then worst case scenario .. they will make u go in labor.

    DONT stress over this......... it will make hypertension worst.

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