
Question for moms who follow the babywise book/routine.?

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We have followed the babywise routine since my son was 9 weeks old. He is now 6 1/2 months old and on a four hour schedule. Within the last week he seems very uninterested in eating and its a very big chore to try to get him to eat every four hours. His eating schedule is this:

8:00 rice cereal and 6 ounce bottle

12:00 Veggie and 6 once bottle

4:00 a little rice cereal mixed with 1/2 jar fruit and 6 once bottle

7:30 6-8 ounce bottle

I asked my doc if I was giving him too much formula but actually said he should be getting 28-32 ounces at this age.

What was your schedule like for your six month?? Did anyone else have their child go through this problem? He is still sleeping great and take two 2 hours naps and sleeps around 11 hours a night so I can't complain!!

any suggestions?




  1. I wouldn't worry about it -- sounds like your baby's schedule is perfect.  Is the schedule you listed his old one or what he changed to?  Either way, sounds OK to me.  

    My baby is 7 1/2 months and also eats every four hours (I didn't follow babywise, it's just the schedule my baby established on her own). She has four 7 oz bottles during the day at 8am, 12p, 4pm, 7:30pm, and one in the middle of the night (about 6 oz).  At six months she had the same schedule. i had just started to introduce solids at that age ---  she just had a few tastes here and there.  She's slowly having more & more solids -- but still not as much as most babies (prefers her baba's!)

    I'm not your doc (obviously!) but i think the amount of formula she's having is just fine.   Sometimes babies go through phases where they're just not as hungry as normal.  

  2. forget the books follow your heart stay on your baby's schedule to insure he or she gets all the Love and attention it needs including feedings when the baby is hungry not when its a certain time............ what ever happened to mothers instinct

  3. before i can answer i have one question for you.  do you feed the food first or the bottle or vary?  At this age and when i encounter this resistance i  tend to recommend feeding the bottle first and make sure they take more than half.  then feed the food part.  they usually are more interested in the food.  

  4. "its a very big chore to try to get him to eat... I can't complain!!"


    "'Babywise' advice linked to dehydration, failure to thrive

    ...One such book, On Becoming Babywise, has raised concern among pediatricians because it outlines an infant feeding program that has been associated with failure to thrive (FTT), poor milk supply failure, and involuntary early weaning. A Forsyth Medical Hospital Review Committee, in Winston-Salem N.C., has listed 11 areas in which the program is inadequately supported by conventional medical practice. The Child Abuse Prevention Council of Orange County, Calif., stated its concern after physicians called them with reports of dehydration, slow growth and development, and FTT associated with the program. And on Feb. 8, AAP District IV passed a resolution asking the Academy to investigate "Babywise," determine the extent of its effects on infant health and alert its members, other organizations and parents of its findings."

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