
Question for mormons? please answer.?

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this is so embarrassing but i dont know wut to do =/ i just found out today tht masturbation is against law of chastity but ive done it a few times b4 i knew that =/ what should i do?? how am i supposed to explain this to church leaders i have no clue how im supposed to deal with this. =[




  1. huh....and I thought it was only us Catholics that confess to another human being....I thought everyone else believed they ask forgiveness from the Lord on their own.  So why are we the only ones to get flamed for it?

    Ya learn something new every day.

  2. first off pray to Heavenly Father and ask for his forgiveness. tell him u won't do it again and how sorry u r. then ask ur Bishop if u can talk to him in his office. and just tell him exactly what u just told us, "this is so embarrassing but i dont know wut to do =/ i just found out today tht masturbation is against law of chastity but ive done it a few times b4 i knew that" tell him that ur very sorry and u repented and don't know what to do next. he'll understand and help u. he won't tell anyone else. don't worry. we all make mistakes, but luckily we can repent and we have Bishops who can help us. he won't be mad at u or anything, he'll understand and tell u what to do.  

  3. All creations were given 'weaknesses' to overcome..whatever they maybe! Theres a thousand and one hobbies to occupy your mind and time with, believe me.We have to constantly pray to our Heavenly Father for guidance! These are the Last Days, indeed! Temptations will come in different forms, so we have to be ever cautious! We ask for power to overcome and endure. 'Chastity is one of the Temple Laws!

  4. Ask any evangelical pastor and catholic priest and they will say masterbation is a sin too

  5. well the key there is that you didn't know before hand. you are not held to the same accountability as someone who did know. i don't think that you need to talk to anyone at this stage- but if you continue to do it and it becomes a problem you should. what i would do right now is really study out why it is against the law of chastity- read some books ask people quesitons (if you feel comfortable doing so) that way first you know why you shouldn't be doing it. (this is really important- when you inderstand something you are less likely to be tempted by it. the mystery and appeal is gone)  then i would pray to your heavenly father and ask for forgiveness for the times that you did do it, and then make a promise not to do it again. really make that resolution with yourself and an honest commitment to God- and i don't think you will have a problem. don't be ashamed- it's a natural thing- but still something that must be overcome. good luck :)

  6. Questions like this one can and will, drive you crazy! This is the main reason why I left the church!

    You body id designed, and geared up for reproduction! You have a body that responds to touch, and thoughts about s*x!!

    Then, they (religion), come along, and  they, (religion) tell you that what you are  feeling is wrong, and  make out that s*x is bad altogether!!


    Don't get my wrong, I loved the church, and I still do,  and I will always defend it, but when they try to use your own body against you, that is going to  far!!

    I had those feelings, and i just did it anyway, because I wasn't hurting anyone, EVEN MYSELF. And I just dealt with the guilt!

    No one should have to feel guilty about their own body>. and that is why it is wrong for someone else to have control over what you can do about your own body!!!

  7. Just tell your bishop and he'll help you to find ways to quit doing it. I've done it, tried to quit, confessed, and then was able to quit. He's probably heard worse confessions and he wont tell anyone, so don't be afraid.

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