
Question for mothers to be and mothers about your dreams?

by  |  earlier

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I want to know how many of you had a dream or feeling about the gender of your baby before you were told. Were you correct about the gender? I am also curious to know if you had dreams or feeling about carrying twins. Were you right?

I have had several dreams that I am having a little girl, and that I am having twins. I am only 7 weeks right now, but I have the same feeling I did about twins as I did about being pregnant 2 weeks before I tested positive for it.

I know the only way to know for sure is to get the ultrasound. That is not what I am asking. I am curious to know how accurate mother's intuition is when it comes to the baby she is carring.




  1. I had a dream I was having a little girl and sure enough she is due 12-13-2008.  

  2. i dreamt of a little girl all the time but then it could have been my husband's constant harping on the fact he is having a daughter and nothing else will do. Of course SHE is due january 09 and dad's a proud papa.  

  3. with my first i had dreams it was a girl and clearly was a boy.. and with my second i have not had any dreams yet. but weird feeling its twins in there but, im only 6wks so who knows...

    good luck and congrats

  4. ive had 2 dreams about having a boy, but 3 ultrasounds confirm a girl. i was so paranoid!

  5. I know its probably all in my head but I did have a strange feeling that I was carrying more than one, then when I had an early ultrasound I was told I was pregnant with twins.

  6. with my first I actually had a lot of dreams that i was having a girl, and i definitely had a boy and he is 15 months old now.  also, this is kind of sad, i used to have dreams that my son was really ugly.  He was born with crooked teeth and just messed up looking. so i was so worried i was going to have an ugly baby. I know every parent thinks their child is beautiful, but when my son was born I was shocked at how gorgeous he was! so my dreams seem to be the opposite.  Now with this pregnancy I really haven't had to many dreams.  One that I was having triplets! which I am definitely not having and one that I was having a girl but i had an ultrasound and the tech was 100% sure its a boy.

  7. i kept having dreams about having a boy and they told me that it was a girl!

  8. With my first son, I kept dreaming I was having girl,  but obviously it was a boy.  With my second pregnancy was completely opposite of my first...and I just had a feeling it was a girl...I even had dreams about having a little girl....and was really shocked when they told me it's a boy!

  9. I think mine's a girl... we'll have to see. :)

  10. I kept dreaming of a girl. I'm having a boy. I think it was because I've always wanted a girl - I've always imagined myself with a girl. I've had a lot of intuition about this pregnancy (I knew I was pregnant before a test) but I was wrong in this instance.

  11. I've had dreams in all of my pregnancies where I have seen a baby of specific gender; in a couple of my pregnancies I had multiple dreams where we knew the baby's gender, but it would switch from boy to girl from dream to dream.  While I do believe intuition can come into play with these sorts of things, dreams themselves aren't the most accurate predictor, since they are more often the reflection of our thoughts, anxieties, and desires.  

  12. With my first, I knew it was a boy from the moment the hpt came up positive, and I was right.  With my current pregnancy, I wanted a girl so much that I almost convinced myself it was, but in my heart of hearts I didn't really believe it, and the ultrasound confirmed, it is definitely a boy.  As for twins, I was convinced that this one was going to be twins, and I was definitely wrong on that.  Although I still keep feeling that it is twins, three ultrasounds have all only found one baby.

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