
Question for motocross riders only?

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I got a 2004 yz85 i love it and all but i want to give it more of a snap in low rpm for hill climbs and coming out of turns what can i do without spending a ton of money on stupid stuff




  1. yeah what he said.

  2. Mmhm, as other's have said, cheapest way would probably be a bigger sprocket.

    Ahh the YZ85 is a great bike, lots of fun:]

  3. well i guess it depends on your price range.and actually you might wanna change that title to hill climbers, and trail riders..cus in motocross sure the bike needs some grunt but you also have to have top-end...but neways i would say get an FMF sst pipe..and power now valves, and v-force3 reeds, and maybe change your sprocket size. remember bigger rear sprocket and smaller front=more torque but with that you sacrifise speed but if your hill climbing i doubt unless your reli serious mayb you are idk but i doubt your gonna be using 5th lol..

  4. Install a bigger sprocket on your rear wheel. That's the cheapest way to add the most torque.

  5. best thing to do and the chaep thing to do is change the gearing. try adding 2-3 teeth on the rear sprocket. This will give you more low end and help in corners.....Plus a new rear sprocket runs around 20 buck for steel and 40 for aluminum.....

    If you want more engine performance, you might want to invest some time and money and get the top end rebuilt, put in some new and fresh reeds, and put a pie and silencer on it......

  6. the most effective thing you could do is replace the top end a 3-4 yeasr old YZ is not going to make as much power as one with a fresh top end. while it will be more expensive than a new sprocket it will give you a much wider range of useable power.

  7. PSHHH..umm what,,,, my freind does motorcroosss!=]

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