
Question for multiple pet owners (rodents, reptiles, etc)?

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I have a tortoise and it lives mainly in a tortoise table in my room.

In a few months I would like to buy 2 guinea pigs and another tortoise to be a companion to my current tortoise, and I was wondering if having many small pets gets to be too much work! Im still in school (going to grade 11... junior year) but have a passion for animals and would really love to have a few different kinds.

How do you handle all of your different pets?

And will I manage?




  1. Are you planning to go to college or move out in the next few years? If so, I'd recommend waiting. Dorms and many apartments don't accept pets.

    I was lucky - when I went to college, my parents didn't mind taking care of the animals. They were all "family pets" and I got them knowing that, when I moved out temporarily, they'd have somewhere to go.

    If you're sure you can care for the animals for their whole lives, I don't see why you shouldn't get guinea pigs and another tortoise - but the best decision might be waiting until you're financially independent and living somewhere permanent.

    Yes, there's a time when animals get to be too much work, but a pair of guinea pigs and a few tortoises definitely sounds manageable.  

  2. Hi, it helps if you have a daily and a weekly routine to take care of them. I currently have 3 gerbils and a dog, and i know i could take care of something else, but my dad won't let me. I think the only problem would be of you have a lot of different kinds of animals to remember how to take care of. However, you already have a tortoise, so you know how to take care of them, now you just have to find a way to work guinea pigs into your schedule.

    Make sure you research them and find out whether you will actually have time for all of them before you buy them. Guinea pigs need a lot of interaction from you, otherwise they can become not so good pets that just run away from you all the time. If you think you are responsible enough to take on another species of pet, then go for it!

    Good luck!

  3. Well, im 16 and am also going to be a junior!  I have a cockatiel, 3 dogs, a cat, 16 hermit crabs, a 10 gallon, a 5 gallon, and a 55 gallon fish tank.  The hermit crabs and all the fish are in my bedroom.  I used to have hamsters but got tired of them so no longer keep them.  I have a schedule that I follow on a daily basis.  Take care of the family pets first, then the ones in my room.  Make sure you have a job or some sort of income because it can and will get expensive with vet visits and what not.  I think if you have a social life and are away from home you should try to keep your pet family small, but if your like me and stay home most of the time, then you should be able to handle it.  Just make sure you won't get tired of the pets in a few years because both live for a good while, and you also have to think about college.  Whats going to happen to your pets when you go to college?  I know that my crabs will come with me, and the fish will probably stay at my house.  Just make sure you plan ahead.

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